android trojan

  1. Friend

    Octo2: New invisible Android Trojan attacks Europe

    Installing mobile apps has never been so dangerous. A new variant of the Android malware called Octo2, which is an improved version of Octo (ExobotCompact), is being distributed in Europe. According to ThreatFabric experts, the new version could significantly affect the cybersecurity landscape...
  2. Carding Forum

    New Android Trojan BlankBot Isn't Detected by Most Antiviruses

    BlankBot Trojan, designed to attack owners of Android mobile devices, has rich functionality and allows operators to execute commands on infected devices. Researchers at Intel 471 discovered BlankBot on July 24, although the first samples of the malware date back to late June. Almost none of...
  3. Tomcat

    New tactics of the old Android Trojan

    One day you want to sell something on Avito and, having posted a detailed description of your product (for example, a RAM module), you will receive this message. Once you open the link, you will see a seemingly innocuous page notifying you, the happy and successful seller, that a purchase has...
  4. Father

    Banking Android Trojan Godfather is not interested in Russian users

    Godfather is back. The Android Trojan attacks clients of banks, cryptocurrency exchanges, and e-wallets. It is distributed through the official Google Play Store under the guise of legal crypto applications. Interestingly, the Trojan bypasses users from Russia and the CIS. The geography of...
  5. Carding

    MMRat Android Trojan выполняет удаленное финансовое мошенничество с помощью функции специальных возможностей

    С конца июня 2023 года был замечен ранее недокументированный банковский троянец Android, получивший название MMRat, нацеленный на мобильных пользователей в Юго-Восточной Азии с целью удаленного присвоения устройств и совершения финансового мошенничества. "Вредоносная программа, названная в...