android 15

  1. Father

    Android 15 предоставляет расширенные функции для защиты пользователей от мошенничества и вредоносных приложений

    Google представляет набор новых функций в Android 15, предотвращающих захват конфиденциальных данных вредоносными приложениями, установленными на устройстве. Это обновление для Play Integrity API, которым могут воспользоваться сторонние разработчики приложений для защиты своих приложений от...
  2. Teacher

    Android 15: Google introduces a new version of the OS with a focus on performance, security and privacy

    Your phone will never be the same again with Android 15. Google has announced the debut version of Android 15 for developers, laying the foundation for improving the experience of using and developing on the Android platform. The new version of the operating system focuses on optimizing...
  3. Teacher

    Android 15: what is Google preparing for us and is it possible to "feel" the pre-build now?

    The new "Private Spaces" feature should make the popular OS even safer. One of the Google developers in the framework of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) has announced the imminent release of a pre-build of Android 15 for developers. This opens a new page in the development of mobile...