1. Pravda777

    201 dump recording / Запись дампа 201 (EMV)

    Данная статья создана исключительно в ознакомительных целях Всё ниже написанное взято из открытых источников и не имеет отношения к автору статьи Некоторые моменты, описанные ниже, являются сном автора, о котором он решил повествовать (This article was created solely for informational purposes...
  2. Carding

    Banking 101

    Whether you're just opening your first bank account—or your first American bank account—or have had one for years, you may never have thought about why it makes sense to have a bank account. You just opened one. Now that there are alternatives for getting cash and paying bills, that question...
  3. pier

    PRIVATE DUMPS+PINS! DUMPS with billing ZIP codes!

    Hello, fellas! We are glad to introduce you our private service for selling U.S.A. dumps with zip codes! We sell the dumps with the exact billing zip codes That is not the zip of the POS. That's the exact zip code which is recorded on the holders file in bank. Also you can find some stuff...
  4. K

    Cash out dp (101/126) in Spain For 10% only!

    cash out dp in Spain for 10% only (101/126)
  5. K

    Аки под банк залив в Испании и обнал Дп Там же!

    ООчень печальная ситуация :) есть шета в испании под банк заливы на руках банки :La caixa , CCM , Caixa Penedes , Novagalicia !!, а так же магу обналить ДП 101 и 126 в Испании за 10% , просто печальная ситуациия так что всем за предоставлную вазможност заработать заранее огромное спасибо и я на...
  6. T

    [FOR BRAZILIANS] PPC900 bluetooth -cor cinza - Serial

    Senhores e Senhoras , tenho o agrado de oferecer por primeira vez aqui no forum a venda de um PinPad Estou cendendo ppc900 cor cinza colhendo senha chip e tarja ,a maquina vem com memoria bluetooth de 2 gm , cristal de 1000 m , ou seja ela pode ser descarregada facilmente em ambientes fechados...
  7. R

    Dumps cashout. Based in US!

    I am offering a cashout service for 101 dumps. I can do US, Canada, and Europe. I would like to work with d+p but I can do without pin also just takes a little longer as I need to use the in-store method. I am based in the us, but I can work almost anything. Icq: 649678626 I'm always...
  8. D

    Need Large Supply Of CA 101 Dumps $1500

    I'm looking for a constant supply of at least 100 Canadian [101] dumps every week and there's a definite chance that I need more 200-500. Willing to spend $1500/ for each 100 mixed canadian 101. I will only buy from verified sellers. PM me