DocumentManager/Bank 588631396


Reaction score
Ripped for 90$

Me: so where is my IDs?
DocumentManager/Bank: 3 passport $45, CC front and back $50, SSN card $15 = $110. I have $20 balance with you with I write off
Me: Me: and give me amount and wmz
DocumentManager/Bank: $90
Me: so it will 6 ids + one cc two sides right?
Me: Z627533553510
Me: same wmz?
DocumentManager/Bank: yes
Me: so it will 6 ids <<<<
Me: i received only 4 ids
Me: two of them BAD
Me: do you understand worl BAD?
Me: look what you uploaded
Me: there is male fotos
Me: and name famale
Me: you are so stupid?
Me: look here for example
DocumentManager/Bank: awill be fixed and recent
DocumentManager/Bank: keep cursing
DocumentManager/Bank: i'll put you on ignore
Me: when you fix it
Me: you was sayd scan will done 4 days ago
Me: still no scans
Me: abaut wich spents you talking?
Me: i see you tryng ripp me
Me: i will paste all logs on forums and you will be banned
Me: when you fix your mistakes?
Me: when passport will done????????
Me: if i don`t receive my scans now, i go pasting you in rippers section.
DocumentManager/Bank: please go and post that i'm a ripper stupid
DocumentManager/Bank: just go now
DocumentManager/Bank: right away
DocumentManager/Bank: I can refuse not to do the last scan
DocumentManager/Bank: because you owe $15 already
DocumentManager/Bank: so fuck you


DocumentManager/Bank: if you had better tone
DocumentManager/Bank: i' would just make female face for you stupid
DocumentManager/Bank: but you dont have respect
Pfff: fuck you ripper
DocumentManager/Bank: hidding behind computer and saying shit
DocumentManager/Bank: fuck you


Reaction score
I'm sorry see who is reporting who?

1. He edited the logs. I made the work for him and he has outstanding of $20 to pay me.

2. Doesn't have good manner started cursing and thats why I cursed back and said I would put him on ignore.

3. He is such a "DEER" he posted my wmz account publicly and even listed original links int he thread.

I have nothing to say anymore to this DEER


Reaction score
Where i edited logs?
All can see what have you uploaded, two ids with name of female and photos male, or i edited scans too?

Deer is not a ripper stupid sucker.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 11:45 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 11:36 PM ----------

Session Start (Me:588631396): Fri Nov 05 18:12:20 2010 0200
Me: Hi
Me: do you have USA DL scans?
Me: AU DL - passport

Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 05 18:26:05 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 06 09:10:20 2010 0200
Me: privet
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 06 09:11:09 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 06 12:03:17 2010 0200
Me: tut?
DocumentManager/Bank: here
DocumentManager/Bank: english please
Me: ok, i`m interesting in DL templates, is they in psd format?
Me: and need for SSN template and USA passport
Me: interesting in quality..
DocumentManager/Bank: ok
DocumentManager/Bank: ==Online Verification Documents==

**Online Verification Scans
**Utility, DL, Passport scans $15 each
**Complex statement starting from $20
**CC front and back $25

On-line Verification Templates:
Utility, DL, Passport scans, statements $60 each
CC front and back $80

==In-Store/Real Carding==

High resolution bank quality cards:

Real Plastic blank = $30 each design of your choice from catalogue
Plastic complete embossed = $50 each
* Minimum order 10 pieces

Templates to print your plastics yourself = $50 each
Custom design for plastics = $100 each
Dicount avialable buying bulk

* No stories make sure you got wmz / lr. WU accepted for orders above $150
* No refunds on templates uploaded. No refunds on scan edits. Even if you dont like it!
* If you waste my time rejecting completed, money paid will be forfeited.
* Templates are mostly in PSD format. And may have alternate format like AI & CDR. This is confirmable before ordering.
* I'm not an automated machine. Lots of customers so jobs are mostly on queue. Please be patient.
* By making payment you agree to this terms.
DocumentManager/Bank: you are offline here
Me: nice, can i find some examples for US DL and passport? will be great psd example, so i can check which info can i correct on tamplete etc.
Me: and one more question abaut photos for templates, where i need search them? or do you have some set?
Me: and one more question, do you have AU sets?
Me: Australia
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 06 12:12:58 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 06 12:16:46 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: there are photos in my tempaltes already
DocumentManager/Bank: there are au sets
Me: can i change photos and another all info like passport number, DOB, exp etc?
DocumentManager/Bank: all info bro
DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
DocumentManager/Bank: check few of my catalog there
DocumentManager/Bank: password: sample
Me: nice
DocumentManager/Bank: i have au cc front and backs
DocumentManager/Bank: utility bills
DocumentManager/Bank: vic id
DocumentManager/Bank: nsw id
DocumentManager/Bank: passport
DocumentManager/Bank: etc
Me: nice, i think finded what i need..
Me: i will write soon
Me: and how long take to make scan?
DocumentManager/Bank: wihtin the hr
Me: is there any discounts?)
DocumentManager/Bank: when i have time
DocumentManager/Bank: sometimes i'm busy
Me: i see
DocumentManager/Bank: so i recommend all cusotmers to buy tempaltes
Me: if i will buy US passport + AU passport + SSN, will you make some discount?
Me: and i need diferent photos every time.. so where i need to find them fot template?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 06 12:25:44 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 06 12:29:20 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: i give fonts too
DocumentManager/Bank: make me an offer
DocumentManager/Bank: how much do you have
Me: ok, for 1st time i will by only scans, if they will be accepted by paypal etc, i will buy templates.
Me: more don`t wasting your time, will write asap then will need scan
Me: hope on next week
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 06 12:31:35 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 09:40:42 2010 0200
Me: Hello
Oct 15th, 1975

need DL + passport
DocumentManager/Bank: ok
DocumentManager/Bank: are you offline or invisible
DocumentManager/Bank: which?
Me: invisible
Me: sec
DocumentManager/Bank: ok
Me: now better?
DocumentManager/Bank: yup
DocumentManager/Bank: what currency you got?
DocumentManager/Bank: wmz or lr?
Me: wmz
DocumentManager/Bank: shit
DocumentManager/Bank: i charge you $35
DocumentManager/Bank: even $40 bucks lol
DocumentManager/Bank: let me know when you paid
DocumentManager/Bank: LR U1663657 | Z627533553510 wmz (memo: service)
Paste payment confirmation and I check in a moment
Me: why not 30$?
Me: **Utility, DL, Passport scans $15 each
DocumentManager/Bank: i hate wmz
DocumentManager/Bank: i have to convert back to lr
DocumentManager/Bank: pay $35 bro please
Me: man, why i need to pay for your hate?)
Me: all services accept wmz without problems/
DocumentManager/Bank: becuase i'm not going to be accepting wmz again
DocumentManager/Bank: they blocked my account once
DocumentManager/Bank: so since then i'm more of LR
Me: i see man, but all we have such problems/
Me: i will be need scans from you every week and not one.. so i hope yu make my your regular prices
Me: please man
DocumentManager/Bank: ok
Me: 5$ for me is too money/
DocumentManager/Bank: i'll be glad if you can do lr too though
Me: i will try, but for now only wmz ok?
DocumentManager/Bank: ok
DocumentManager/Bank: send money
Me: we will hope that your wmz will not locked again)
Me: ok
Me: you need make diferent wmz for tested customers..
Me: sending now
Me: done
DocumentManager/Bank: shit
DocumentManager/Bank: i just checked and found that someone paid me money with lock
DocumentManager/Bank: and it reversed already and i submitted job
Me: do you mean sended with protection?
Me: when payment have sended with protection, you don`t see money on balance, only in history with lock icon
DocumentManager/Bank: yeah but forgot
DocumentManager/Bank: and money went back
DocumentManager/Bank: he gave me code
DocumentManager/Bank: but frorgot shit
DocumentManager/Bank: i hope he doesn't rip now
Me: i think, but there is lot off rippers, last years imposible working...
DocumentManager/Bank: give me time making your job ;-)
DocumentManager/Bank: money seen
Me: ok waiting
DocumentManager/Bank: male
DocumentManager/Bank: i guess
Me: yes
Me: and i guess DL and passport photos will be same person but litle differents?
DocumentManager/Bank: yeah
DocumentManager/Bank: i'm thinking about that already lol
Me: nice
Me: and do you have some DB for photos? if i will buy templates i will need such sets..
DocumentManager/Bank: yup
Me: and how much cost photos?
DocumentManager/Bank: dont know never sold those
DocumentManager/Bank: do you want db of passports?
DocumentManager/Bank: from different countries
DocumentManager/Bank: i think almost 400 passprots
Me: i mean only photos
Me: anyway we will talk abaut this a litle later
DocumentManager/Bank: photos not much just 60
Me: 60$ or 60 photos?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 10:10:24 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 10:10:39 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 10:11:31 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 10:27:54 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: 60 photos
Me: realy not much, and all of them differents? if i will need two photos for DL and passp?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 10:31:42 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 10:56:17 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
Me: nice, but can`t find DL
DocumentManager/Bank: wil upload
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed off at Mon Nov 08 11:23:45 2010.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed on at Mon Nov 08 11:25:09 2010.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed off at Mon Nov 08 11:34:39 2010.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed on at Mon Nov 08 11:35:55 2010.
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 11:52:55 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 12:17:52 2010 0200
Me: have you maked DL?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 12:20:00 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 16:12:19 2010 0200
Me: do you here?
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed off at Mon Nov 08 16:12:28 2010.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed on at Mon Nov 08 16:12:54 2010.
Me: still don`t receiving DL
DocumentManager/Bank: yeah please wait
DocumentManager/Bank: working
Me: ok waiting
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 16:16:15 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 18:11:55 2010 0200
Me: hm, some problems?
Me: still waiting..
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 18:12:42 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 20:18:25 2010 0200
Me: you here?
Me: man so long for editing template..
Me: how i understand it take 10-20min
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Mon Nov 08 20:23:50 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 09:28:51 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 09:29:25 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 12:30:53 2010 0200
Me: do you here?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 12:31:23 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 12:58:25 2010 0200
Me: hello i need scan asap!
Me: and need more scans, but yous till don`t maked my 1st order, where is a problem???
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 12:59:44 2010 0200

Me: hm, some problems?
Me: still waiting..
Me: you here?
Me: man so long for editing template..
Me: how i understand it take 10-20min
Me: do you here?
Me: hello i need scan asap!
Me: and need more scans, but yous till don`t maked my 1st order, where is a problem???
LowBoom: where is my DL?
Me: so what are you doing?
DocumentManager/Bank: bad luck everytime i start anti virus reboots :-(
DocumentManager/Bank: lol
DocumentManager/Bank: and i've been like that for 24hrs
DocumentManager/Bank: very lame
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 14:41:18 2010 0200

Me: this is reason for ignoring my messages?
Me: when i receive my DL?
DocumentManager/Bank: no
DocumentManager/Bank: now
Me: i hope such "fast" service will be 1st and last time..
Me: because i need do my business and can`t waiting so long
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 14:44:19 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 14:44:39 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: i recommmend you buy templateds too
Me: i don`t know how working with them
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 14:45:40 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 15:07:40 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: 3012193769
DocumentManager/Bank: DL NUMBER
DocumentManager/Bank: ?
Me: this is phone number
Me: DL number any
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 15:10:37 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 15:17:37 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
Me: this is not DL
Me: some mistake?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 15:22:22 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 15:22:37 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 15:22:45 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 15:26:29 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
Me: ok, thanks
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 15:34:50 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 17:23:44 2010 0200
Me: do you wont spoil my business?
Me: why on passport i can`t see signature?
DocumentManager/Bank: print out and scan it then
Me: i don`t have scanner
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 17:33:36 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 17:35:14 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: ok
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 17:35:23 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 17:38:40 2010 0200
Me: don`t waste your time, have done.
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Tue Nov 09 17:39:13 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 13:55:25 2010 0200
Me: hi
2580 E 2750 NORTH
phone 801-771-8138
dob Mar 16th, 1957

Credit card (front and back)
2 forms of identification matching the credit card. One must have a picture.
Jan 13th, 1958

two ID`s
Dec 8th, 1946

two id`s
Me: how long will take?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 14:01:52 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 14:46:48 2010 0200
Me: do you here?
Me: if you dont have time for job only say me i can`t make it
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 14:49:55 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 16:10:04 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: sorry i was away
DocumentManager/Bank: how many jobs?
DocumentManager/Bank: i prefer passports ;-)
DocumentManager/Bank: DL uk or states i know
Me: this is all for USA
Me: one of ID can be passport
Me: another one DL or do you have another ID?
DocumentManager/Bank: ok
DocumentManager/Bank: i'll check for you but gotta step out now
Me: i have pasted 3 diferent jobs
Me: differents*
Me: have you all 3 received?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 16:13:13 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 20:43:51 2010 0200
Me: so how long will take make my scans?
Me: i need it very urgent
DocumentManager/Bank: yeah you get them in the morning
DocumentManager/Bank: ok i have details
DocumentManager/Bank: what currency you got?
Me: wmz
DocumentManager/Bank: are you submitting all id to same site?
DocumentManager/Bank: if same site it may fail
Me: no, there is diferent sites
Me: for IDs do you have only DL and passport?
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed off at Wed Nov 10 20:46:48 2010.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed on at Wed Nov 10 20:46:59 2010.
Me: and give me amount and wmz
DocumentManager/Bank: $90
Me: so it will 6 ids + one cc two sides right?
Me: Z627533553510
Me: same wmz?
DocumentManager/Bank: yes
Me: ok
Me: payment done
Me: only one big request, dont make any mistakes please
Me: and make it by tommorow morning
Me: ok?
Me: and wich ID for use do you have without passport or DL?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 20:54:59 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 21:03:11 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: hers is the trick
DocumentManager/Bank: one will be passport and utlity bill
DocumentManager/Bank: they need Dl because of address verification
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed off at Wed Nov 10 21:56:00 2010.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed on at Wed Nov 10 22:10:57 2010.
Me: not utlity bill
Me: they need two IDs
Me: one can be without photo
Me: for all sets i need IDs
Me: only IDs
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 23:31:54 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 23:33:00 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: ok
Me: Driver's License
Medical Insurance Card
National Identification Card
Voter Card
Me: id like this
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Wed Nov 10 23:35:51 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 18:34:06 2010 0200
Me: scans is ready?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 18:34:14 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 18:40:58 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: almost
DocumentManager/Bank: i've been awy all the while
Me: waiting..
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 18:42:54 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 19:28:43 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 19:28:59 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 20:33:53 2010 0200
Me: so when scans will be ready?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 20:34:21 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 20:52:02 2010 0200
Me: do you here?
Me: so how understand all time you have lieing abaut time
Me: DocumentManager/Bank: yeah you get them in the morning
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Thu Nov 11 20:55:10 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 07:34:11 2010 0200
Me: ho 2 days left, still no ids
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 07:34:50 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 07:55:35 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: bonie santon male?
DocumentManager/Bank: you there
DocumentManager/Bank: and remember on passport the age is dd mm yy\
DocumentManager/Bank: not as you tink
Me: BONNIE SANTON - female
Me: DocumentManager/Bank: and remember on passport the age is dd mm yy\
DocumentManager/Bank: not as you tink

DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
Me: how long you have making scans?
Me: man, ssn card is not ID
Me: and SSN number pf David Owens is not that you writed
Me: and say me how can be signature identicaly on passport nad ssn?
Me: here is ssn of David Owens ssn:224-86-2001
DocumentManager/Bank: ok

Me: but how i was sayd ssn can be not accepted
Me: because it is not ID..
Me: and on passport you have not changed DOB on passport number
DocumentManager/Bank: Mar 16th, 1957
DocumentManager/Bank: thats date you gave me hommie
Me: (Link:
Me: do you see at bottom where is number and after USA720808
Me: it is DOB too!
Me: you 1st time making scans?
DocumentManager/Bank: no
DocumentManager/Bank: mad over 100s
Me: so you don`t know such thinks?
DocumentManager/Bank: sometimes they dont check ;-)
DocumentManager/Bank: most times
DocumentManager/Bank: i know but they dont check the bottom most times
Me: most times they check
Me: don`t know where you using, at all i need good scans.
Me: and not "USAA" but "USA"
Me: wtf man?
DocumentManager/Bank: corrected dude
Me: not chase!
DocumentManager/Bank: impossible
DocumentManager/Bank: if you want usaa $80
DocumentManager/Bank: because no template for USAA
Me: (Link:
DocumentManager/Bank: i dont have the template
DocumentManager/Bank: and i can't create template for $25 bucks
DocumentManager/Bank: ==Online Verification Documents==

**Online Verification Scans
**Utility, DL, Passport scans $15 each
**Complex statement starting from $20
**CC front and back $25

On-line Verification Templates:
Utility, DL, Passport scans, statements $60 each
CC front and back $80

==In-Store/Real Carding==

High resolution bank quality cards:

Real Plastic blank = $30 each design of your choice from catalogue
Plastic complete embossed = $50 each
* Minimum order 10 pieces

Templates to print your plastics yourself = $50 each
Custom design for plastics = $100 each
Dicount avialable buying bulk

* No stories make sure you got wmz / lr. WU accepted for orders above $150
* No refunds on templates uploaded. No refunds on scan edits. Even if you dont like it!
* If you waste my time rejecting completed, money paid will be forfeited.
* Templates are mostly in PSD format. And may have alternate format like AI & CDR. This is confirmable before ordering.
* I'm not an automated machine. Lots of customers so jobs are mostly on queue. Please be patient.
* By making payment you agree to this terms.
Me: on passport before DOB you need change USAA
Me: need be USA
DocumentManager/Bank: yup
DocumentManager/Bank: pasport details modified completley now
Me: so why you don`t saying that you dont have tamplete for cc
Me: i don`t need chase, i have writed bank name
Me: i can send you + 25$ for tamplete, will you make it?
DocumentManager/Bank: because they dont even check bin
DocumentManager/Bank: only if you hadd made it a point with them
Me: on registration i have writed bank name
DocumentManager/Bank: letme search
Me: this is not paypal or like this
Me: (Link:
Me: i need like this
Me: but there is only one side
*** You have been disconnected.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed on at Fri Nov 12 10:15:53 2010.
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 10:17:39 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 10:18:27 2010 0200
Me: will you find it?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 10:18:38 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 10:24:04 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: YUP
DocumentManager/Bank: MAKING
DocumentManager/Bank: I NEED BACK
DocumentManager/Bank: maybe will just generate back
Me: if you can`t find original, yes generate it..
Me: only use card customers phone, from AMERICA FIRST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION
DocumentManager/Bank: paste numbers yhou want
DocumentManager/Bank: andd address
DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
DocumentManager/Bank: i've made your tempalte out of this one
Me: VISA®/ Mastercard Account Inquiry: Toll Free - Dial 1-800-237-6211

Me: 110 Frankfurt Circle
Birmingham, AL 35211

Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 10:32:06 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 10:32:18 2010 0200
Me: i`m out for 1hr, please make another IDS
Me: but not with SSN
Me: normal IDS
Me: Driver's License
Medical Insurance Card
National Identification Card
Voter Card
DocumentManager/Bank: if you have other scnas
DocumentManager/Bank: like medical or voters card
DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed off at Fri Nov 12 12:47:46 2010.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed on at Fri Nov 12 12:48:15 2010.
Me: thank make 2st ID DL
Me: or we can try ssn card but David Owens ssn:224-86-2001
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 14:18:45 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 14:19:31 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: ok
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 14:20:22 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 14:26:14 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 14:26:26 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 14:42:40 2010 0200
Me: you making DL?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 14:46:26 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 17:18:55 2010 0200
Me: man i can`t waiting so long
Me: why service is so bad?
Me: can you work faster?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 17:19:40 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 18:57:51 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
Me: ok, when you make all scans?
Me: again 2 days?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 19:14:48 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 19:16:23 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: cc template $80, passport $15, ssn card $15
Me: so
Me: Me: i can send you + 25$ for tamplete, will you make it?
DocumentManager/Bank: because they dont even check bin
DocumentManager/Bank: only if you hadd made it a point with them
Me: on registration i have writed bank name
DocumentManager/Bank: letme search
DocumentManager/Bank: so $50 for back and front
Me: maybe some discount for time wasting?
Me: CC front and back $80
Me: so i was sayd you can pay +25$..
Me: for cc
Me: so how we do?
Me: ok i will buy this tamplate, when another scans will be done?
Me: will buy for +50$
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 19:48:46 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 19:55:57 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: i prefer passports
DocumentManager/Bank: dl for usa
DocumentManager/Bank: is stupid and time waisting because they have different stupid states
DocumentManager/Bank: and address have to match state
Me: ok so when you will make all my scans?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 20:40:42 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 20:55:12 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 20:55:29 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 21:13:26 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 21:13:31 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 22:28:47 2010 0200
Me: do you here?
DocumentManager/Bank: let me make passports for the rest
Me: i have waiting 2 days
Me: i have sayd that 2 days ago will be done
Me: still waiting
DocumentManager/Bank: ok will be done in minutes
DocumentManager/Bank: but you need have wmz
DocumentManager/Bank: $80 bucks have been spent on what you ahve already
DocumentManager/Bank: well no need
Me: i will send you +50$ imediately when you will make my order
DocumentManager/Bank: i'll just make the passports
DocumentManager/Bank: for delaying
DocumentManager/Bank: because i'm now so fat :-( can't concentrate on multitask like before
Me: still waiting for order.
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Fri Nov 12 22:32:34 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 10:06:56 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 10:11:10 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 10:42:44 2010 0200
Me: so
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 10:43:07 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 11:07:40 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed off at Sat Nov 13 11:14:14 2010.
Me: do you checking what sending?
Me: you have sended two famele with male fotos!
Me: signtarre on gloria bad!
Me: and dont see DL
Me: (Link:
Me: and how cn you see at bottom of passport after DOB go not <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< but M1234232234213
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 12:54:56 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 12:58:03 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 13:01:14 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 15:00:56 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 15:01:13 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 17:04:04 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 17:04:25 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 19:31:19 2010 0200
Me: same shit?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 19:40:36 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 19:50:47 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: no dl
DocumentManager/Bank: will check gloria
Me: no CA DL??
Me: you kidding?
DocumentManager/Bank: $90 spent
Me: for CA DL?
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed off at Sat Nov 13 19:55:24 2010.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed on at Sat Nov 13 19:55:35 2010.
Me: where is my scans?????
Me: i will live you negative feedback
Me: you sened bad IDs
Me: DocumentManager/Bank: (Link:
Me: look here, wtf?
Me: you don`t need for good clients?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 19:57:11 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 20:54:10 2010 0200
Me: so where is my IDs?
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 20:54:26 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 20:55:37 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: 3 passport $45, CC front and back $50, SSN card $15 = $110. I have $20 balance with you with I write off
Me: Me: and give me amount and wmz
DocumentManager/Bank: $90
Me: so it will 6 ids + one cc two sides right?
Me: Z627533553510
Me: same wmz?
DocumentManager/Bank: yes
Me: so it will 6 ids <<<<
Me: i received only 4 ids
Me: two of them BAD
Me: do you understand worl BAD?
Me: (Link:
Me: look what you uploaded
Me: there is male fotos
Me: and name famale
Me: you are so stupid?
Me: (Link:
Me: look here for example
DocumentManager/Bank: awill be fixed and recent
DocumentManager/Bank: keep cursing
DocumentManager/Bank: i'll put you on ignore
Me: when you fix it
Me: you was sayd scan will done 4 days ago
Me: still no scans
Me: abaut wich spents you talking?
Me: i see you tryng ripp me
Me: i will paste all logs on forums and you will be banned
Me: when you fix your mistakes?
Me: when passport will done????????
Me: if i don`t receive my scans now, i go pasting you in rippers section.
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 21:04:29 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 21:09:29 2010 0200
DocumentManager/Bank: please go and post that i'm a ripper stupid
DocumentManager/Bank: just go now
DocumentManager/Bank: right away
DocumentManager/Bank: I can refuse not to do the last scan
DocumentManager/Bank: because you owe $15 already
DocumentManager/Bank: so fuck you
Me: you stupid ashole maked bad scans, name famela, photos male
Me: so fuck you ripper
DocumentManager/Bank: fuck you too
Me: ok i go ashole
DocumentManager/Bank: if you had better tone
DocumentManager/Bank: i' would just make female face for you stupid
DocumentManager/Bank: but you dont have respect
Me: fuck you ripper
DocumentManager/Bank: hidding behind computer and saying shit
DocumentManager/Bank: fuck you
Me: lamer, you would like go to mi country asshole
Me: now i making post for you gay
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed off at Sat Nov 13 21:16:24 2010.
*** "DocumentManager/Bank (588631396)" signed on at Sat Nov 13 21:16:45 2010.
Me: now you are in rippers sucker
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 21:24:37 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 21:24:55 2010 0200
Session Close (DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 21:25:42 2010 0200

Session Start (Me:DocumentManager/Bank): Sat Nov 13 21:40:04 2010 0200


Reaction score
for moderators attention, please look at dates, when he sayd DocumentManager/Bank: yeah you get them in the morning

he sayd will make ID`s with photos, maked ssn, where is no photo.

all times have making some mistakes.

Me: do you see at bottom where is number and after USA720808
Me: it is DOB too!
Me: you 1st time making scans?
DocumentManager/Bank: no
DocumentManager/Bank: mad over 100s
Me: so you don`t know such thinks?
DocumentManager/Bank: sometimes they dont check ;-)
DocumentManager/Bank: most times
DocumentManager/Bank: i know but they dont check the bottom most times

looks like drunk guy.

only wasted my time and don`t maked scans.


Reaction score
Show your version of logs in 48hrs period.