rumor cpro ||


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do anyone know talks about this site being a shadowcrew ))
my guy will tell me he read about use cloudsflare and which was talked by rome0 on other forum of some kind of hunnypot to catch people )

some reply from admin will be helpful on this )


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1. He saw unredacted version of indictment and think what person with name R and lastname Z is same as owner of - isnt that silly and funny.

2. Person on "other forum" is VIP and well-known Ripper is here for looong time. That talks for itself. :)

3. He tells what owner from Ukraine (but everyone who know a little about ex owner know for sure what he's from Russia), but after that tell what he's from US.

4. He tell what csu didnt working, but its working for everyone from admin team for bunch of months (and i can show it to everyone. Vote for someone ALL of you believe and ill give IP of our board, u will see what whole databse is there, with all topics from 2005 untill shutdown due to security things)

5. Here is a little log:
Session Start (1223956:621551551): Wed Jan 18 03:23:22 2012 0200
[03:23] 621551551: yo
[03:23] Ninja: ?
[03:23] fastcandy: sup ninja, got ur icq from support Cpro
[03:23] Ninja: ok
[03:24] fastcandy: im a very active guy on forums, i used to be a big member on before it changed to crdsu. is there anyway u can get me onto cpro? i got a username but i dont like funding lr because im just paranoid of feds n shit
[03:24] fastcandy: some guys went down in my crew in 09... i avoided prosecution cause they took charges. i work alone,i have my own cvvs, my own dumps, but i just am asking for a waiver.
[03:24] Ninja: you spoke too much
[03:25] Ninja: what do you want
[03:25] fastcandy: membership on cpro
[03:25] Ninja: exchange 33lr with useless talks with gangs and stuff like that?
[03:25] Ninja: go collect 33lr and back at me
[03:25] fastcandy: shit im just a cheap ass bro
[03:25] fastcandy: i know 33lr isnt shit man, ill try to get it somehow an slang some ish. my fault bothering u man
[03:26] Ninja: give me ur nickname
[03:27] fastcandy: fastcandy
[03:28] Ninja: it said u are banned
[03:29] fastcandy: yea
[03:29] fastcandy: cuz i didnt pay it
[03:29] Ninja: so there is a reason why
[03:29] Ninja: ok. get pay for it and back
[03:29] fastcandy: i registered and never paid the 33lr
[03:30] fastcandy: shit dude aint nothin u need? i just hate the sketchyness off funding bullshit. i never had to ask like this to get on a forum i just thought it was worth a shot. but uh if ur mind changes leme know dude. im sorry again bro once i get it ill contribute to the forum
[03:30] Ninja: i read alot
[03:30] Ninja: spend 10 mins for nothin
[03:31] Ninja: fbi, feds, jail, gangs
[03:31] Ninja: and no 33lr. its funny
[03:31] fastcandy: no dude
[03:31] fastcandy: bro check this out man
[03:31] Ninja: i dont have time to talks. didnt i told you?
[03:31] fastcandy: wtf u want u want me to take a picture of my bag?
[03:31] fastcandy: ill take a fuckn pic an write on a piece of paper w/e u want
[03:31] fastcandy: im not a fuckn fed nigga if u think that thats insane
[03:31] Ninja: i need you to pay 33lr.
[03:31] Ninja: thats it.
[03:32] fastcandy: ROFL I KNOW U DO im sorry bro dude rofl. im not gona be able to fund my shit. im jus gona try to post a ad to sell cvv on vpro
[03:32] fastcandy: if someone wana buy off me fuck it thats my only way in
[03:32] fastcandy: ill give u fuckn 50 cvv u leme in there
[03:32] Ninja: not interested
[03:32] fastcandy: rofl fuck
[03:32] Ninja: + selling without payment and verification prohibite
[03:32] fastcandy: dude ur a funny bastard <3
[03:32] Ninja: so if u want to sell cvv - useless.
[03:32] fastcandy: rofl =x
[03:32] fastcandy: y u so mean
[03:32] Ninja: nah. i just dont care about ur child talks
[03:32] fastcandy: man shit
[03:32] fastcandy: yo be honest ok
[03:32] fastcandy: u think im a gov't?
[03:33] Ninja: i see what you talk too much. thats it
[03:33] Ninja: you have 33lr? if no - ill put u to ignore list
[03:33] Ninja: coz i spend my time for nothin
[03:33] fastcandy: jesus christ ok ima leave u alone. ill get the $ somehow SORRY OK?
[03:33] Ninja: and i have other members who is waiting for my attetion
[03:33] Ninja: ok
[03:33] Ninja: bye
Take a look of his funny BIG words like FBI, gangs and other child talks 10 months ago. But no $33 to start new account. Im surprised what i didnt saw work "godfather of carding".
All those big words comes from broke ass.

here is end of logs with him. He was tagged as clone of Rippers (polsk, mtl64, chalsea9, Privetcomrade) and he have like 15 different clones. and he got bored by fucking with our clone system and come to me:

Session Start (1223956:621551551): Thu Oct 25 05:37:51 2012 0300
[05:37] 621551551: bro
[05:37] 621551551: make account on cpro or i expose R Z
[05:38] 621551551: Z*
Now u see - he doesnt caremuch about "truth". All he want is an account so he can continue rip ppl off easy.
I had same convos like 3-4 times/week. Rippers get angry and come to me with ddos or shitty plays.
Some of them even ask money.
But i hope (ppl who know me personally on icq) - u know my answer to them?

Session Start (1223956:621551551): Tue Oct 30 03:56:49 2012 0300
[03:56] 621551551: i fucking kill u
[03:56] *** Auto-response sent to 621551551: Zzzzz
[03:56] 621551551: u fucking R Z faggot
[23:52] 621551551: ?
[23:52] *** Auto-response sent to 621551551: Zzzzzz
[23:52] Ninja: wtf u want?
[23:53] 621551551: u fuckin mother fucker
[23:53] 621551551: i wanna tell u that ur fuckn site a sting an u ought to tell peopple that
[23:53] Ninja: straight to business and make yourself interested
[23:53] 621551551: u kno who the fuck R Z is? hes admin aka support, mother fucking rat
[23:53] Ninja: or i will put to ignore list and ur 1 man show in circus will end, ripper
[23:53] Ninja: from what i see, ripper is ur ass.
[23:53] 621551551: (Link: is fucking owner of CSU
[23:53] Ninja: anything else?
[23:54] 621551551: yes hold on
[23:54] Ninja: i have alot of faggots knocking me
[23:54] 621551551: i hacked CSU box an find fucking files
[23:54] Ninja: but still cant get wtf u want from me
[23:54] Ninja: csu box? :)
[23:54] 621551551: i got a master fucking text of everyone they indciting even the sealed names bitch. why dont u fucking close cpro before u get everyone jailed
[23:54] Ninja: listen peace of shit
[23:55] Ninja: wtf u want from me
[23:55] 621551551: i lie i didnt hack it but someone has it
[23:55] Ninja: u becoming less interested
[23:55] 621551551: i want u to fucking prove to me that csu is not a sting before i fucking do what im gona do
[23:55] 621551551: listen OK? i believe firmly you are a COP
[23:55] 621551551: CSU is gone, never comong back because u wanna merge all forums to one
[23:55] Ninja: ure on ignore list, bitch. fastcandy, aka polsk aka bunch of other clones.
Session Close (621551551): Tue Oct 30 23:55:57 2012 0300
If you think what exowner of biggest carding board in history have url with - im sorry for you.

Conclusiion - i dont have time for all that drama. We have tagged alot of rippers and all of them pissed off and spread shit. If i will reply to everyone i would not have time left to improve boards for YOUR work.
I dont have FBI money or CIA power. Just my pc and my personal time. exadmin had time for all that dirty wars - but i dont.

Closed. Hope i was clear.
And wait for csu, coz admins keep working on clearing it from feds and rippers like fastcandy and his clones.

PS. According to my records and SHORT usage of google, i even know what games he like on xbox, but i never reveal any information about him, coz i still dont have time for that.
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