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  1. Z

    Взломан крупнейший хакерский форум в РФ "MAZA" и "DC"

    Бред, дамп базы который на скрине это фигня, у меня такого мыла не когда небыло.
  2. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    Создавай тикет в системе с понедельника по пятницу он проверяет тикеты днем и вечером и всем отвечает.
  3. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    Fraud, я предлогаю тебе статус поставить за флуд. Amstrad, не нравиться не бери. Клиентов без тебя хватает.
  4. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    ICQ Support'a на сайте.
  5. Z

    Source=The Slo

    Hello Admins. Source my competitor have other account here The SLO. He posts that i am ripper in my topics but he nether bought from me because he is vendor here. I ask to ban him until he stop posting shit things. Here is the truth that Source=The SLO. The Slo post in source topic but forget to...
  6. Z

    *** Best dumps from Source ***

    Sims you are source clone, i got logs with me from icq you used 2 years ago, and you nick was source. Guys check here that he could be clone of source !!! Session Start (201944265:285126773): Tue May 30 08:01:15 2006 [08:01] *** 285126773 wants to establish a SecureIM session. [08:01] ***...
  7. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    Show proof that i rip you, or prepare to be banned like other scammers like you , who telling that i rip someone.
  8. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    My checker works for eu, if you bought dumps at in 02 month and 11 year and it was 01 month and 11 year, you could ask for replacement, contact me i will replace you.
  9. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    Black you are noob and kid, if you do not know that dump format is YYMM, then you are 100% noob and should be banned from here.
  10. Z

    Online Sale CC with CVV. SSN (DOB), MMN. Proxy. Accounts (PayPal, eBay, bank)

    Hello. This is bullshit , i nether had text Administrator in left menu and edit things i do not have too, bullshit info
  11. Z

    Online Sale CC with CVV. SSN (DOB), MMN. Proxy. Accounts (PayPal, eBay, bank)

    Внимание !!! Доступны для покупки следующие базы !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EU FRESH DB - 08.02.2011 USA FRESH DB - 08.02.2011 Attention !!! New bases added for buying !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EU...
  12. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    ukguy no one rips you, so if you had problems with support contact me i will tell him to fix problem
  13. Z

    Scori you are crazy guy, check here why you ask account with balance in my shop ? I see you buy dumps and just compromise my service, prepare yourself to be in black list.
  14. Z

    Come in and post your Zo0mer Experience!

    Hahah, scori show proof that you got invalid dumps ? If you do not show proof, ready to be banned. Dadbad and you are scammer you ask to replace valid dumps, you buy dumps , use them and then come to me for replacement, we found out that you do such things, so we told you we do not need such bad...
  15. Z

    Online Sale CC with CVV. SSN (DOB), MMN. Proxy. Accounts (PayPal, eBay, bank)

    Хай, капча чуствительна к регистру, вводи большие и маленькие буквы.
  16. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    The SLO you are looser and have many clones, i already ask to ban you because you nether show proof of your words !!!
  17. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    Hello. Next month, now you could use fresh usa bases. Thanks !!!
  18. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    Внимание !!! Добавлены новые базы в Online Shop !!! USA FRESH NEW TR2 AGENT7-DB44 - 28.01.2011 USA AMEX FRESH TR1 AND TR2 AGENT5-DB22 - 24.01.2011 EU AMEX FRESH TR1 AND TR2 AGENT5-DB21 - 24.01.2011 CANADA AMEX FRESH TR1 AND TR2 AGENT5-DB20 - 24.01.2011...
  19. Z

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    Bullshit lier, we refunded you lot of dumps and we found out that you use dumps and then ask for refund, we do not need such client that use our dumps and then ask for refund. SCAMMER !!!!