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  1. B

    need BOA DROP FAST

    I would suggest you get your own boa drops. Having a boa drop can be lucrative. Why would someone sell you a clean boa drop when they can make a shitload of money from it without too much work. If you want to make money in this biz you need to insource as much as possible. This isn't like a...
  2. B

    What to go into with a limited amount of money? ($700)

    Here is some general life advice. If you want to excel at something, anything you will need to devote your time, energy and resources to it. If your looking to make a quick buck within a week I suggest you go rob a liquor store or something similar. If you want to make it in this biz then I...
  3. B

    We need everyone to contribute more to keep this scene alive

    its actually counterproductive at times to share information publicly on this board. The way I see it is you are competing against others for the same money. If one was to spill all their secrets then the available money one would get from such secrets disappears. It seems like if you want to...