Search results

  1. I

    Looking for High Credit Score Profiles

    If i am posting in wrong section, admins please forgive my insolence, but as my topic says I am in need of some high credit score profiles (700+) from FL, CA and TX, with DL preferably, if not then no big deal ..... No matter the age or gender just need high score profiles.... If you can provide...
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    Credit Reports, DL Search, AMEX Full Info

    need some high score credit reports... PM please
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    Hacking Job

    send, pay you first and you dont even know what the job requires and your new to the board, at least with a little rep i would say ok, but i wouldnt even consider wasting Ninja's time concerning you. So how about this, so me some samples of your work and we can talk more....... Sir_felly, i...
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    Need Fullz

    still looking
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    Hacking Job

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    Hacking Job

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    Need Fullz

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    needtogetbig.. Ripped me for 98LR

    Member Name: needtogetbig Member Profile: ICQ: 696841635 Amt in Question: 98LR or 20 Fullz Member contacted me via PM (admins can check for PM sent and receive) saying he works in a school district and can get the fulls i need.... Contacted member by ICQ...
  9. I

    taxes refund needed

    what exactly do you need bro.... cuz seems like your looking for a services
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    Hacking Job

    Looking for a good hacker that can hack into systems and get some information for me.... Willing to pay for your service.... I can tell you right now, if your going to charge a lot, you better b able to deliver results and b willing to accept escrow with Ninja.... PM me with your ICQ and we can...
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    Does anyone know how to get around the irs fraud filters

    I doubt there is a way to get around the filters unless you know what exactly the filters are looking for.... My recommendations are keep your return simple meaning just PayPal with one source of income with no extra shit..... File your return as if you were that actual person bcuz the IRS does...
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    Square or GoPayment

    front2so, i will send you mines..... check your pm
  13. I

    Online Banking for sale !!!

    SellToAnyOne, am going to send you a PM with my ICQ, I want to add you as a contact for Chase online so i can get a few i just dont need them at the moment.... So add me and as soon as I need them i will contact you..... Dont want to waste your time if am not ready to deal but i do want to have...
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    Unfreeze My Returns Split Half

    Doubt its possible.... Whether it b in a bank account or prepaid account, if they froze it, no matter what you do (send docs) they usually tell you they will return funds to sender.... Did you ever get a reason why they froze account? if its a random freeze (which is never really random, they...
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    Square or GoPayment

    sounds like you know your stuff bro... send me your ICQ and lets talk... Would like to get in on the Square with you....
  16. I

    Basic Tax Tips

    I agree, thats y people dont get shit bcuz they are to greedy... Y do 10 returns for 9k and only get 1 or none when you can get 7 out of 10 for 1.5 to 2k... New fresh fullz are always better and try and get your return to match what the real person would have on there real return bcuz IRS does...
  17. I

    Square or GoPayment

    I am kinda getting on this subject earlier than i need to but its never to early to plan.... Looking for someone who has some experience in dealing with or even carding Square Mobile Payments or GoPayments.... PM as i want to start a business deal with anyone interested
  18. I

    Need Fullz

    am testing Blue* out but it doesnt hurt to have a back up, so if anyone else can help PM me......
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    one question can i get a credit report and background report on the same person and how much will it be... They can b random people with no specific parameters but i need both reports to accomplish my task.... if this is possible and at a good price i will buy a few asap.... PM me and lets do...