Search results

  1. T

    No Money, big knowlegde

    You decide that? i see your senior member,nothing more and i bet i have 10 times more knowlgde about the scene than you.
  2. T

    No Money, big knowlegde

    Nobody interested to vouch? I can help you in lot of things, about carding .
  3. T

    No Money, big knowlegde

    i have some phished cc´s only at the moment , i want to have some months break before i start professionell carding again;) ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 11:18 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 11:17 PM ---------- maslinca ,i dont need your vouch then you twat... i´m just...
  4. T

    No Money, big knowlegde

    i love joints :D, but only write if you want to vouch me plz ;)
  5. T

    Need Vouch Please

    maslinca vouch me ,i can help you;)
  6. T

    No Money, big knowlegde

    Hi :) I am out of prison 1 month ago, before i went in i was an active carder and had my own crew, we made a lot of money. This times are over,i went to prison but i still want to be part of the scene and this is the only board i found. I can give good carding-tutorials ,information and what is...