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  1. K

    Sale CC all country - [ru] Продажа СС разных стран

    FUCK FRAUD CC, I wish I checked the forums today. This asshole has been planning on ripping off everyone all on one day. I sent him the money and the asshole stopped responding and then went offline!!! ADMIN PLEASE BANN THIS RIPPER!
  2. K

    online us fulls shop ... cheap prices

    When you coming back I need more funds. I brought your $20 item and the thing got decline. Not sure what to say about that i heard you got good stuff but this one didn't work.
  3. K

    brandon -|- WORLDWIDE CVV2 -|- High Valid Rate -|- The Service You Can Trust -|-

    I'm not sure what kind of experience you had, but my experience with brandon had been great. Only problem I have with him is that he isn't on very often. I hope he comes back on so I can do more business with him.
  4. K

    brandon -|- WORLDWIDE CVV2 -|- High Valid Rate -|- The Service You Can Trust -|-

    Does brandon come on anymore and if he does is icq still best method to contact him.
  5. K

    hi, I heard you know how about chip logging in POS, I need some info please contact.

    hi, I heard you know how about chip logging in POS, I need some info please contact.