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  1. W

    I have the following...what can I do?

    I have Dob name addy and social and tel #. Also, I have someone working in a bank as a there anything that this person may get that could be of value in order to card/etc. Thanks I know this question is mad noob ish lol..sowwwy!!
  2. W

    Frequently asked questions

    another noob question...sorry...lets say im able to get someones info....dob sin that valuable in anyway ? Can i do anything? order phones maybe?
  3. W

    Frequently asked questions

    Aye! im new to this forum...I was able to get myself some cc's...but the only info i have is the card number, name, exp and cvc. Is there anything I can do with that info? Im a noob...ive delt with carding before but not directly...I was just supplying carders with cc from my work place and...