Search results

  1. I

    I want to learn about botnets!

    Had a good conversation with him - very friendly, knowledgeable guy - I think he'd be a real asset to IMO. Vouch from me!
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    need someone to card adobe photoshop CS6

    i did this recently - non vbv card, had it the next day- would have been instant to download it. Learn to card bro, software is easy! :)
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    carded - 8500$ - WORRIED HELP!

    What kind of site was this bro? I'm curious what relationship site you can spend $8500 at! lol Also share the bin! As Fyfee said, the Uk police can and will investigate - all it takes is 1 person to make a big enough noise about it and the police will have to follow it up. Big comanies dont...
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    Attention Ripper IDGuy

    Why would I risk thousands in potential revenue in ID sales on this site for a couple of shitty paypal accounts? This guy is an idiot.
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    Attention Ripper IDGuy

    You fucked up my rep for no reason and cost me over $1500 is sales, so yeah i'm keeping the $560 that wmcenter reversed back to me. I hope your gypsy children fucking starve you romanian piece of shit.
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    Attention Ripper IDGuy

    This guy messages me 300 times a day like a little kid asking what i'm doing and if i'm online, so i ignored him to get some work done. I'm waiting to sort out an issue with the exchanger who have rejected my id scan I sent. I will settle this, it didn't need to be made public.
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    looking for european passport scan/photo!

    I can make scans with any photo/data for you if that would be helpful? I charge $20 for it.
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    One stop ID SHOP! For all your ID needs - EU, UK, US, Canada

    Keep the orders coming guys, thanks for the business!
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    Passportcontroll on Airport in Asia

    They do several things - First the scan the MRZ coding on the passport and check it against a database of known stolen passports, or red-flagged individuals. If its a new biometric passport and teh airporthas a scanner they will compare the chip data against the actual data on the photo page and...
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    Passportcontroll on Airport in Asia

    You can count on going to jail in any of these countries if caught with a fake passport - better be very very good quality and with correct visas. After you go to jail then you get deported and you are usually blacklisted form entering the country again for a certain amount of years. Dont get...
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    Ebay Guest Checkout Limits?

    This has nothing to do with guest checkout limits. This is paypal limits.
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    Passportcontroll on Airport in Asia

    Asia is a very big place - every country is different and it depends where you fly from because each country treats different countries with different risks. Some countries you need a visa in advance from the embassy, and they will check it for validity. In Japan I can tell you all foreigners...
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    One Stop Fake ID Shop! Specializing in EU UK US and Canada IDs.

    Keep the orders coming, thanks for the biz so far guys.
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    Ebay Guest Checkout Limits?

    Thaks guys (esp. Kabby). So is it £1000/$2000 in total for any transaction or is there a per transaction limit. Seems like I can only do £200-£300 for transaction
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    Ebay Guest Checkout Limits?

    Just wondering if anyone knows the actual limits paypal/ebay have on guest checkout - seems to me I can do between 200-300 (GBP not USD), often on multiple transactions, but never managed to go any higher on a single transaction. Can anyone confirm these limits?
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    One Stop Fake ID Shop! Specializing in EU UK US and Canada IDs.

    Thanks for the feedback. Will be adding more US IDs in the near future. My primary market is the EU, but it seems its mostly Americans here, so I'll see what I can do for you guys :)
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    Need Docs Urgently

    I can do france for you... if you have any beligian ID samples i can template them. PM me we can talk
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    We Designer and SEO expert needed - business opportunity availble

    I'm looking for a fellow carder that knows how to setup a basic web site for my ID biz. Must be able to secure an offshore host and domain and promote the site for traffic. Terms are negotiable. PM me if you can help.