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    all dead
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    what kind of kards are these
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    Need Vouch Please

    Thanks you very much Sho !!!! ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 01:57 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 01:15 PM ---------- Hi Ninja, Thanks for actovating me But can someone please tell me what I have to do now. As I am still unable to access the other forums etc . Thanks for...
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    Need Vouch Please

    i am not a beggar. I am just a new carder , wanting to join this world, like you guys strated some time ago
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    Need Vouch Please

    thanks my friend !
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    Need Vouch Please

    Dear All I am a new member, and a new carder . Can someone of you please be so kind to vouch me ? Your help is much appreciated Thanks and regards, DJ Momo