Search results

  1. D

    I need Informations about LR

    Hello, A friend said to me that I could donate (with cc) on my LR ( account and transfer the money of my LR account on my real bank account in France (I'm French). CB hacked > LR account > French Bank Account There are risks ? Or really nobody risks given...
  2. D

    I sell stealer

    Hi guy, it's not iStealer -_-. I've coded it .. Think before speak.
  3. D

    I sell stealer

    Hi everybody, I sell a stealer (FUD) who steal : -Firefox password -MSN Password -FileZilla password (ftp) -Pidgin Password The program send on your ftp server a file (name_victim.txt), and in his file you can see all decrypted passwords. The price is : $ 68 For more informations, MP Me...