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    What's going in with target stores

    I have not been to the the red dot for a long time, I heard they verifi signatures and shit like that before allowing a transaction. EU works like shit at the dot, with original track 1 it works better but still sucks. For a few months if they did manual entry of the card it worked like a charm...
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    POS Authorization, FirstData and how you can get caught

    I seen lots of first data terminals in Lithuania and other EU contries. Or I think it was firstdata. Anyways I had a blast evrything was working 100x better there than in the USA using USA bin. Some worked for 3 weeks. Everyday 1k from 1pc some times approved for 3k per swipe I know for fact it...
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    Not sure. The only reason I said to use blue masking tape is because when you spray clear coat it get under the tape and the sig strip does not look strait. And the more expensive blue masking tape works pretty good.
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    You can also get some masking tape, blue works best. Mask the card leaving just the printed sig strip, make sure to press all the edges well Get some clear matte spray paint Spray on 1 or 2 layers and whalla you can sign with a ball point pen and feels real too.. Seems like a hassle but you...
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    Best Buy LP

    Im sure they do. I heard Kohl's has got some cetralized monitoring. I never go there so I dont care. I read on here some dude went to BB that he never been to before and got busted. So that is why I got suspision. But is there any know store that got something like that. Cause that could really...
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    Best Buy LP

    Recently I checked out best buy and all the security that was at the front of the store with the the monitors scanning the store are gone. Does anyone know where they dissapered? Cause I was thinking maybey they made a centralized monitoring station for the city or county? Which would turn out...
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    Selling LR/WMZ via WesternUnion fastest and lowest rate

    I bet LE is going after exchangers big time. Most exchangers for LR want document and passport scans and stuff, which is no problem but still bullshit. WM is really easy to get but who uses WM nowadays. But if anybody has a really good source post please, cause the last guy I knew would put...
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    Selling LR/WMZ via WesternUnion fastest and lowest rate

    I think lots of exchnagers having problems right now. But yeah I get same error. If anyone knows a good exchanger PM me. No bullshit please.
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    The Answer to credit card fraud?

    I fucking HATE Oakland.. That place is just bull shit.. I was Eating in a Restaurant in Emryville which is basically Oakland and 2 fat Bithches came in and ate like pigs and tried to pay for it with a greendot and that card didn't work, so they simply ran out not paying for it. Cali Is burnt...
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    He is ripper, but for such little money that its funny. He rip me for $150 a few months back and blocked me. Why he is still not banned amazes me.:confused: Anyways, with vendors that have been here for a while their stuff might not be the best but at least they don't play stupid kids games.:)
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    Basetrader are you going to send me the $150 back or send me Dumps that you owe me? He blocked me as soon as i send him money, a couple months back.
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    I would not buy from this guy anymore, He sold me $300 worth of crap, and he said that he would replace in one week. Its been 2 weeks and he is always offline. Ill give him one more week.
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    Basetrader Ripper

    Sent him $150 more than month ago. No response for 2 months. He block me as soon as I sent him the money. only got $150 lr at the moment alan borka11/3/2011 4:52 PM thats what i meant alan borka11/3/2011 4:56 PM ? base trader11/3/2011 4:56 PM sec bro just dealing with someone alan...
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    -= Cards, Dumps checking service Card-Ok =-

    So would anyone use dumps instore after using this checker? Does this checker do void after it charges a couple of dollars? Thanks
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    I got $300 worth of dumps just to try. Out of 9 only 3 worked for a cup of coffee, thats it. So im down $300 +Plastic and Time. Guy is great at communication I will wait for update to get replacements.
  16. A Fozzy$Ods 368570467 INSTANT Bulshit dumps delivery!!!

    You checked on cheker before you tried to use them? Mabey you should of tried a few at shop with out cheker. But if it says card not activated or invalid account i think its either badly generated dumps, flagged base or other unknown variables.