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  1. A

    Fountain of 1st Hands NZ Dump - VERY HIGH VALID! - LOWEST PRICE!!

    I just made an order for a few dumps to test. He gave me an extra 10 dumps. 2 dumps = Already past expiry date 1110 1 dump = declined 1 dump = swiped for $150 Will see how well the remaining dumps do and report back soon. Edit - To update since my last post. The dump I previously swiped for...
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    Region block

    I'm based in Vietnam. Is there any way of figuring out which bins are blocked here? Or is it entirely a trial and error thing? There are a lot of Korean/Japanese tourists and business people here. Does that mean it'll be a safer bet for me to go for Korean/Japanese bins? If I go for a trial...
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    Registration Fee

    Could an Admin please provide instructions on how to get registered via payment. I currently live in a country where credit card use has up to now been very scarce. However, it is on the rise. And because of that, many merchants are not actively aware of carding. When using my card here I...
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    Registration Fee

    Thanks for your response guys. But I already have an LR account with funds in it. I'm just not sure who to send the payment to for registration.
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    Registration Fee

    How do I pay the registration fee of 33 LR? :confused: