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  1. W

    waolsvc 338655929 // [email protected] ripped me with service

    If someone wants me to show logs when I give person 30 cvvs for reselling a day before. Without payment first. Then he sad all dead. I can't check them because they are 08/12 and my merchant is blocked from checking cvvs of current month. I warned him that’s I can’t check current month cvvs. I...
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    waolsvc 338655929 // [email protected] ripped me with service

    1. Why I need to give refund or replace for good stuff? 2. I made replace of invalid cvvs. 3. Person violates my policy of replacement. Why he buy if he didn't accept my polies. Also it's cutted log. Here is end of the log: [13.08.2012 09:56:37] <[email protected]> this is total DEAD...
  3. W

    waolsvc 338655929 // [email protected] ripped me with service

    It's just a words. Nothing more. I tried to resolve issue with person first by contact personally. But he’s messages was gone to disrespectful, like "FUCKING LIAR" "SHIT" and other bad words. I have good relations on CSU with admin long time ago. And he helps me to resolve issues every time I...
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    waolsvc 338655929 // [email protected] ripped me with service

    I'm not sell ccs from this board. I have checker service here. This person from csu. And long time topic.
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    waolsvc 338655929 // [email protected] ripped me with service

    I'm owner or service, there is my adv topic id: 40213 I'm sale on csu cvvs from 2005. This guy buys from me 10 pcs usa random. After he say all are declined. I have checked cvvs on my checker ( and it's shown 8 of 10 are valid. And I give 2 of replace, why he didn't show it...
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    Обжалование репутации

    Невоспитанный хам. Культуры речи нуль. По теме. На первой странице топика написано белым по-черному, на двух языках: - Мы не несем ответственности, если некоторые карты после проверки на валид перестали работать. - We do not respond to some cards can be declined after validation check. Если Вы...
  7. W

    CC Checking Service - [ru] CC Чекер Сервис

    [ru] Добавлен Gateway 2. Возможности Gateway 2: - Авторизация. - Выдача кодов авторизации. - Возможна проверка с/без AVS, CVV. - Возможна проверка дампов. [en] Gateway 2 added. Gateway 2 offers: - Authorization. - Return merchant codes. - Check with/without AVS, CVV. - Check dumps.
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    CC Checking Service - [ru] CC Чекер Сервис

    Its inadvertence. We don't have funding bugs. Please read carefully, instruction, how to add money on account after transaction. All tickets will be answered.
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    CC Checking Service - [ru] CC Чекер Сервис

    Мы используем US мерчант. Если ваша страна чувствительна к авторизации US мерчанта, естественно картон будет умирать. Все сугубо индивидуально.
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    CC Checking Service - [ru] CC Чекер Сервис

    Dudes. There are no bugs. Just open your eyes and read all text at online resource website closely. And please carefully read instructions how to add money to account. If you have any questions please use internal ticket system to resolve any issues.
  11. W

    CC Checking Service - [ru] CC Чекер Сервис

    It's not effect on US, other world are particularly. No other information was given. So your words are hollow. Anyway, read the policy carefully: Policy: We do not respond to some cards can be declined after validation check.
  12. W

    CC Checking Service - [ru] CC Чекер Сервис

    [ru] Предлагаем Вашему вниманию уникальную возможность регистрации на приватном чекере. Доступны услуги:. Проверка карт на валид. Поверка карт на вбитость в PayPal. 3DS (VBV/MCSC) по всему миру. Поиск UK DOB. Возможности сервиса: - Проверка карт на валид без снятия денег (чаржа). Проверяется...