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  1. L

    Quality dumps Selling service / ICQ: 582-263-616 & 564-673-959

    i think primero dont giwe a shit any more register 2 months ago payd 50 buks got the email with login and passs but he didint put me on shop is been 2 months but i had no response at all my friends give me sertifikate so now im on login page only ,but no login so primero nedd to sort this out...
  2. L


    hi i know try2checkme is working what im saing after i buoght dump from vault market is gone dead in 1 minute .base is dead for dumps dont try to spend money there
  3. L


    shop is shit i try to buy 2 usa dums and it take 45minutes i try to buy check stuff so it taken 45min ass i said all stuff is declined but funny side is 5517370002567206=110310115400396 | United States | STAR PROCESSING INC. | mc | STANDART | DEBIT | 101 | TR2 | Checker error | 15 | for...
  4. L

    Quality dumps Selling service / ICQ: 582-263-616 & 564-673-959

    hi bro is diferent problem u see when pass is not right it says wrong pass.but when no akk in shop it says Wrong username or password or invalid certificate!!! u see what i mean bro
  5. L

    Quality dumps Selling service / ICQ: 582-263-616 & 564-673-959

    hi i know i done it like i said im on login page .i used primero long time ago so i know how to do it but now i only get email with detales of my login and pass and it dont work .if somebody help me will pay or give free dumps
  6. L

    Quality dumps Selling service / ICQ: 582-263-616 & 564-673-959

    User lawonbatis was added with password: xxxxxxxxxxxx Certificate was generated with password: J4kHLroH3n dXQUb3Xv any way paid 50 buks to open new akk on primero but didint get no akk just got email with this and sertifikate so install it im on login page now but login and pass dont work at all.
  7. L

    Quality dumps Selling service / ICQ: 582-263-616 & 564-673-959

    yes usa works in spain but only some bins is hard to find we been working for a yers in spain
  8. L

    Quality dumps Selling service / ICQ: 582-263-616 & 564-673-959

    PlraX, hi bro got reg on primero payd 50 buks got email with login and rest but when try ro login in shop it still say that wrong user name