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  1. P

    Good things to card online!

    A certain persona has had to be made through the route of sellin i partake :D so im limited to what suits it. I'm more of a coder myself to make my money, but bein that has opened doors for me to which i can exploit. so my random secret sales cause no alarm for me and easy to implement. so the...
  2. P

    Good things to card online!

    Its true, but I jus tried to highlight the overlooking of certain products. Electronics will always hold a certain value in certain areas of selling. Say, If i hypothetically wanted cold hard cash for my items I would travel to live auctions, where electronics are always hot (money wise :))...
  3. P - Can someone verify?

    like I said in your other thread, you cant be serious?? all those bullshit products that have never existed, and on a .tk domain? LOL!! Their prices for an MSR are laughable too bro :)
  4. P

    Good things to card online!

    How are tools and machinery 'old man trades'? Do you even know what youre talking about? :) or do you mean air purifiers? coz if so, whats the problem? Some are very expensive and easy to card. What does it matter what market they are aimed at? Foolish person. If you card to be cliche then you...
  5. P

    Good things to card online!

    With online security strengthening for more expensive items, there are tones of items people forget about or overlook!!! One thing being TOOLS! Do you know how expensive some electric tools can be? DO you realise some of the people in the world who trade in these items have no idea about...
  6. P

    Good things to card online

    wrong forum sorry lol :)
  7. P

    You serious bro? 100% Ripper!