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  1. J

    Looking for shipping labels

    which site u r talking about :confused:
  2. J

    looking for au wu drop asap!

    i am interested , i am from INDIA if anything is there ........... pls pm me
  3. J

    what does a POS mean

    thx ninja for the help . !!!!!!!!!!!! i will first learn things and go to the POS thanks
  4. J

    what does a POS mean

    can i know what is dangerous about it :confused: thx guys for answering my questions :D
  5. J

    Barnaby Jack ATM presentation - Blackhat 2010 [video]

    i am getting the 403 forbidden message................................ any clue ??????????????
  6. J

    what does a POS mean

    thx base trader for ur answer:) i mean if BIN is the first 6 Digit on the Card why actually we need it for , what is the purpose or help ?
  7. J

    what does a POS mean

    what does a POS mean ? ------------------- got the answer for this What do we need BIN for i am a total new bee pls explain it to me in detail. plssssssssssssssssss
  8. J

    Frequently asked questions

    pls help how can i shop with a dump in a shop without a pin , and what does fullz mean pls explain it me in detail , i am a total new bee :)
  9. J

    i am not allowed to post on the forum .................... pls help

    i am not allowed to post on the forum .................... pls help