Search results

  1. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    2 weeks really? didnt we speak about issue 2 days ago? All verifones tested and 100% before ship. Problem with how u follow directions. See ur jabber presence now, and waiting for response so that we may discuss issue once again
  2. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    Need press start download first on Verifone downloader and then host session Next time contact me in correct way about manners like this.. start by removing deer Status
  3. Rafael101

    Need help on gluing diebold skimmer to ATMs

    "The Museum Putty" -- Google -- Gets Job Done
  4. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    Sometimes We take small vacations Working on all PM now Back in Business :beer
  5. Rafael101


  6. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    As someone informed earlier -- NO is cancelled project -- Will be removed from list -- All other models == Available
  7. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    Yes let it be known that Only jabber now -- ALL PM have been Replied - please check --
  8. Rafael101

    Rafael101 Stop ICQ DEALS until further notice

    yes ok. check pm for jabber info ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 11:58 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 11:57 PM ---------- seems you are deer and cant receive PM
  9. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    Jabber Now available --- Please contact me via pm for add info -- Only known -- This permanent
  10. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    Yes already done so. It probly stolen maybe for one day. Please my customers spread word what rafael ICQ no initiate deals thanks
  11. Rafael101

    Rafael101 Stop ICQ DEALS until further notice

    ICQ 475382057 was compromised. Please dont initiate any deals through there Opening Jabber account cheers!!
  12. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    Yes Please dont engange in any deals through ICQ.. Only PM for now
  13. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    pay 50 LR to remove Deer and problem solved :idea
  14. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    All PM have bee replied Kindly check if inquired cheers!!
  15. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    Im back from small vaca.. All those who tried contacting please try again now cheers!
  16. Rafael101

    Selling DIEBOLD OPTEVA SKIMMER- ( Complete With Camkit -- (Ready to Work)

    There exists nice strategy which is explained in my guide to go about making removing worry free ofcrse
  17. Rafael101

    Fake on - -- Fake there - careful - possible ripper only Forum :beer