Search results

  1. paco

    High Quality Installs (Bots)

    i am living la vida loca ) sure ihave %15 bad stuff, i always manage to make people happy one way or another ) you fail completely maricon ) only reason i troll on your thread is that the installs YOU ARE RESELLING FROM INSTALLS4SALE are very very bad, and people will always lose money from...
  2. paco

    High Quality Installs (Bots)

    went through all the thread to find a positive review of the installs ur selling to prove me wrong that u are reselling from installs4sale which is also a member of the board ))
  3. paco

    need bofa supplier

    PM how much are you ready to deposit into ESCROW for batches of 10 , 50 and 100 personal ones.
  4. paco

    Shops without vbv and avs security .

    what you say is irelevant credit/debit cards can NOT have vbv/msc and NOT USE AVS the website/merchant has no power over that
  5. paco

    High Quality Installs (Bots)

    And I can tell you why : He resells from a person that BEFORE they sell the installs, they install around 5-6 PPC/PPI companies on them, and only then SELL Rome0, I am not flooding your thread, people alot of people resell from them and ALL PEOPLE will lose money this way. Not to mention that...
  6. paco

    Looking for Moneypak Cashout service

    i can do this for you
  7. paco

    Fullz EU/Asia/USA

    probably reselling from one of us that actually gets them and doesnt sell with ridiculous high prices
  8. paco

    High Quality Installs (Bots)

    what will you do when installs4sal will not be able to sell for you anymore ? )
  9. paco

    Unlimited Domains Method

    will try this out
  10. paco


    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=expyear_expmonth101000000CVV0000 or 201 instead of 101 theres still around 15% that will work this way, but you have to be really desprate to try this instore. just saying
  11. paco


    a 5 min' videochat for every member would be great and well received, i am sure:rolleyes:
  12. paco

    CartelZ Fresh Dump Service (24/7 Customer Support A++ Communication)

    i'm sure either him or any other seller wouldn't want clients that start asking for tests first, this isn't Ghana marketplace
  13. paco


    5465062023401018=11071010000017000001 5465062033721017=11071010000090900001 5465062036314018=11071010000096700001 5465062046046014=11071010000076200001 5466388407622666=11081010000096400000 5466388407652176=11091010000006100000 5466388407659262=11091010668235500000...
  14. paco

    free rdp;fullzsu;;samadams;court;tropicana;sanity;;;kenny
  15. paco

    I need a c99 shell supplier . more details inside thread. no rookies or begginers

    did business with the man, all went great !
  16. paco

    I need a MANY of Paypal accounts!

    for all of you asking for paypal + balance , please read this
  17. paco

    I need a c99 shell supplier . more details inside thread. no rookies or begginers

    if you buy in packs of 300 min. ( escrow welcome ) i can sell them for you at your requested price.
  18. paco

    Need Traffic 70k/day (world)

    if you got that website from they are all shitty no one, absolutly no one sells legit traffic, only proxies generated or from bnets or something don't belive me ?try it out on ur own pack and see
  19. paco

    Does Anyone Recognize This Dump Site?

    "d+p base added" ?!