Search results

  1. V - Online cvv shop 95 % valid rate (US/CA/UK/EU)

    of course everything is sold out and no good..they have yet to close registration..
  2. V - Online cvv shop 95 % valid rate (US/CA/UK/EU)

    Guy says registration would be closed on the 10th..yet it is still open...
  3. V

    Married Carders Only

    Not married but with boyfriend..and I just live a double life..but I wish he we talk about marriage..idk what to say because there has been so many lies already to cover up what I do and am involved with that it can damage trust..we have been together for almost 4 years now but I am...
  4. V

    Credit Reports, DL Search, AMEX Full Info

    possible 2 get discover full info?
  5. V - Online cvv shop 95 % valid rate (US/CA/UK/EU)

    site registration is closed now?
  6. V

    Have no fear Vents is here! Specialist in AU and USA dumps! new bases weekly!

    yea 25 for classic?? i want 2 hear more feedback about quality also at this price!
  7. V - Online cvv shop 95 % valid rate (US/CA/UK/EU)

    registration is closed today...correct? A++ site!
  8. V

    Dumps selling first hands

    super vendor...very kind polite and A+++ stuff
  9. V

    can u please send me your icq, im planning a trip to vegas and want to use your service.

    can u please send me your icq, im planning a trip to vegas and want to use your service.
  10. V

    Selling E-Tickets (Flights) + Hotel Reservations

    I guess this guy is retired or something because I repeatedly ask for his icq. Looking to go to vegas soon so could really use this service....
  11. V - Online cvv shop 95 % valid rate (US/CA/UK/EU)

    Kinda defeats the purpose of this shop and why we buy from it. The novelty is that we get to choose what we want right and why charge an extra dollar for it? And i also had problems with like out of every 4 cc 1 would be valid and work so I hope it really is fixed.
  12. V

    Selling E-Tickets (Flights) + Hotel Reservations

    Still waiting on your icq please!!
  13. V

    hey..can u send me the icq of the e-ticket guy?

    hey..can u send me the icq of the e-ticket guy?
  14. V

    : Sell - Fresh & Valid Cvv/Fulls Cards WorldWide , 95% - 98% Valid ::. Online Shop Market .::

    C4rd3R are you going to respond about reopening registration??
  15. V - Online cvv shop 95 % valid rate (US/CA/UK/EU)

    i agree, registration should be closed
  16. V

    High-quality Plastic, Hologram, Signature Panel, Accessories & Much More!!

    when did u place your order? he will get back to you..i felt kinda the same way until the fourth day he presented me with the tracking number letting me know my package was arriving that very same day. so have a little patience. it will be worth it
  17. V

    : Sell - Fresh & Valid Cvv/Fulls Cards WorldWide , 95% - 98% Valid ::. Online Shop Market .::

    hi, registration is closed?? when will you reopen i buy fulls and cvv on a regular basis
  18. V

    Selling E-Tickets (Flights) + Hotel Reservations

    yoshimo pm your icq please