Search results

  1. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    added small NZ base (62 pcs) only track2 100 % fresh and virgin 100 % valid rate, if you dont know what bins works in your region or u buy for testing do not dare to ask me replaces cause this base come with 100 % valid rate. so buyers buy this only if you know what you need and what are you...
  2. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    added USA(CALIFRONIA) BASE - ULTRA VIRGIN FRESH BASE (14.7-usa-ca-t1-t2) - TRACK1 & TRACK2 AVAILABLE (Approval rate 90%) 8438 pieces
  3. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    I WANT TO GET RID OF ALL STOCK CAUSE I HAVE NEW 40K BASE, who want to buy bulk i wait your pms in icq or here, this is a great offer for resellers, also dont worry about privacy i wont reveal no one that you are a reseller when u buy from me. UP UP UP !!!!! wait your offeers only this weekend...
  4. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    added ISRAEL 101 BASE - ULTRA VIRGIN FRESH BASE (12.7-israel.101-t2) - only track2 available (Approval rate 80-90%) 1479 pieces ISRAEL 201 BASE - ULTRA VIRGIN FRESH BASE (12.7-israel.201-t2) - only track2 available (Approval rate 80-90%) 133 pieces
  5. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    no one is forcing you to buy anything , you dont like it dont get it , b4 u called me names now u dont like prices. i am still waiting your argument on last acusation you told about me
  6. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    site is up, maybe u refreshed too many times and u got firewalled, change ip and try again.
  7. C

    Need Large Supply Of CA 101 Dumps $1500
  8. C

    Looking for canada 101/201 dumps cashiers

    i have huge canada virgin and fresh bases, looking for cashiers of both codes 101 and 201, this offer is valid only for vip members and members who have good reputation in cashing dumps, vip members who have no reputation or review dont even bother to msg me, i wait your pms here or in icq, you...
  9. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    + added NZ (New Zealand) 101 fresh base , valid rate 95 %, if this base sells good i will add a huge update
  10. C

    pm me in icq 333-277

    pm me in icq 333-277
  11. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    New Prices: usa base1 - 7.5$ all usa dumps usa base2 - 12.5$ all usa dumps usa t1 t2 b1 - 12.5$ all usa dumps valid rate still 65% no refund or replace for this bases at this prices.
  12. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    sales !!! sales !!! sales !!! sales !!! sales !!! sales !!! HOT PRICES FOR usa base1 - 10$ all usa dumps usa base2 - 15$ all usa dumps usa t1 t2 b1 - 15$ all usa dumps for this bases you get no replace or refund, the valid rate of these bases it is still more than 70% this offer is valid till...
  13. C

    ElChe Dumps Service - Fresh/Instant/FirstHand Stuff Full Automated Shop => Magic-Numbers.CC

    for mix packages and bulk orders pm me in icq for quote, re-sellers are welcome.