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  1. C

    i have a question

    Chase bin not “chased”
  2. C

    i have a question

    i need to know what are Chased bins (i know what a bin is) im not english i have problems traducing
  3. C

    Im stuck

    1= i setted the proxy but is not pretty accurate(iproyal) i put a country then a city and it take me to the other part of the world when i track the ip.
  4. C

    Shops for carding

    I tried - 417896 It was giving me am error do i neeed to try anither time (im a newbie)
  5. C

    Basic setup for carding

    How mutch will last me 2gb of proxy? They are calcolated like normal gb network?
  6. C

    How to see if the bin is non vbv

    Is any Can you share with me a bot ?
  7. C

    How to see if the bin is non vbv

    i need to know how to see if the bin is non vbv I have obsolete methods
  8. C

    From iPhone

    Can i hit casinos with non vbv card and teen withdraw?
  9. C


    in a beginner
  10. C

    I have a question

    I know I can hit ebay and Amazon but is not working in the last week
  11. C

    I have a question

    If I find a non vbv cc i need to use it in a “2d / non vbv”shop ? Im from europe so i find only us/rus sites to hit If the question is not adeguate sorry Ps. I i starter from iPhone I have some bins and some shops i only did eBay 1 time and i dont know what else to hit
  12. C

    Basic setup for carding

    If I start from iPhone ?
  13. C

    I am new can you tell me How to see if the bin has vbv?

    I am new can you tell me How to see if the bin has vbv?