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  1. H

    💳 Carding Philosophy: When to Check Your Cards (d0ctrine)💳

    another interesting write up, your posts are a gold mine. trying to absorb as much as i can before hitting for the first time.
  2. H

    CC shops 2024

    will try soon. good write up.
  3. H

    Setting UDP Wireguard Config in Anti-Detect browser

    good write up for a beginner like me. tyvm.
  4. H

    What's Going Wrong?

    hey i know youre new to carding as am i, but have you tried hitting on chrome/edge? that browser might work for experienced carders but i feel like using all of the normie software will be the best way to bypass anti fraud. im sure companies have built in technology to block transactions from...
  5. H

    Tiny Bit of Advice on This 1 Thing Pls

    i have prepared most things, i have ccleaner, chrome browser, good socks5 in my city, mullvad and w10 to look like a legitimate customer on a site, will make an outlook/gmail in their name and i will trial and error some sites to see which ones hit but my only issue is that i am wondering which...