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  1. slippss

    Quick Guide

    🤣🤣🤣what I thought sit the fuck down bro you can't sit at this table bro
  2. slippss

    Quick Guide

    This hits inbox a day and yes I get hits I don't get just clicks buddy im going to say it again if you have a bad experience with spamming and people kept ripping you come get in with me I'll really change your life
  3. slippss

    Quick Guide

    😂😭proper English? Ok buddy sit down idk what prstc is cause non of my shit is fake but bet lemme send you a link, while I'm doing that go ahead and send me a lil sum, since you know so much you must be putting belt to ass right? Send me something
  4. slippss

    Quick Guide

    This is a page I put up last night, so trust me buddy I know exactly how this shit works if you have bad tools or a bad experience just say that
  5. slippss

    Quick Guide

    Im also going to agree with this in a sense but most of it no, database is with an SQL that's how my leads are generated, I also use Linux for my hosting and clone my pages that way I don't program them and go from there or host on web host or cpanel I have very different ways of sending spam...
  6. slippss

    Quick Guide

    No one is scamming no one and no telegram isn't full of rippers I've been in this for years and yes this isn't a full in depth but a simple run down if you know what spamming is there's little to no mistakes but spamming goes more more in depth, but the disrespect no I'm not selling nothing I'm...
  7. slippss

    Quick Guide

    This is a light guide for the beginners who have no idea of where to start. What is spamming? Spamming/Phishing is when you send out a lot of mail/sms to a targeted group of people in hope of getting sensitive information from them. Example is bank logins, Credit card information, Game accounts...
  8. slippss

    ACH transfers

    Hello everyone i am going to start posting in this forum alot more so stay tuned for some good stuff dont forget i will not tell my most valued secrets.... Todays topic is ACH Transfers.... what are ACH transfers....An ACH, or Automated Clearing House, transfer is a way to move money between...
  9. slippss

    Spoofing aka otp bot

    yes that is a great way to get going thank you brother
  10. slippss

    Spoofing aka otp bot

    Hello everyone i go by slips on here and around the block i got tip from admin in dark chat that people dont know what spoofing is and how it may work, i am here to help solve that and give some brief walkthrough on how to use it and be safe...lets get started first thing you gonna want to do...
  11. slippss


    Hello everyone, some of yall may know me and some of yall may be new to knowing me, i go by the name slips here, on telegram, and some other forums and websites, i started off carding a few years ago, moved up to checks, cooks, photoshop, and ID work, then moved to cashouts for both cards and...
  12. slippss

    Resources, tips and tricks

    Hello everyone long time no talk on here for me, have some questions for the users on here, whats the rep and success rate with prozone, and would anyone suggest it really? ive spent a good chunk of change this weekend on the site, and have gotten all dead cards, i use DCshop and fernando alot...
  13. slippss

    Resources, tips and tricks

    hello everyone, have been inactive on the forum for a min, i am back, i got a new method everyone can try out, it has worked one time for me recently which is why i am posting this, also got a question for anyone out there, has anyone ever bought from swipestore before and if so is it a good...
  14. slippss

    Resources, tips and tricks

    10/10 go give it a shot
  15. slippss

    also sorry for the late reply i did not see this but to answer your other question i do make...

    also sorry for the late reply i did not see this but to answer your other question i do make some money on the side when i resell what i card, clothes, kitchen supplies, tech items, etc and go from there
  16. slippss

    i sometimes do with the correct cards, something like a coinbase paypal taptap send, and then...

    i sometimes do with the correct cards, something like a coinbase paypal taptap send, and then ill spoof for the 2fa, i use plenty of software to do both checking of the balance and to check if the cards are active some inny or pos systems will give out dumb cards, or some sites as well and their...
  17. slippss

    Resources, tips and tricks

    hello again, to anyone out there foreseeing this, i wanna share some good bins ive used this passed week on some things, i usually dont card for money and cashout but i really like to card for goods, in my telegram channel i post all my hits so i dont wanna flood here with them but here are some...
  18. slippss

    Brians club status

    responded to someone asking this earlier they have been shut down, and the yes there are other people trying to make new fake domains to get buyers but they are scams, suggest trying out different sites i have about 3-4 good ones i can send you in direct messages
  19. slippss

    Brians club status

    i was going to say the same thing brother, wouldnt suggest in buying from brians anymore i sometimes spam my own pieces but when i dont i like to shop on they seem to have a good system going id say, 6/10 cards ive bought 3 of them were declined/closed, you can check them right after...
  20. slippss

    Resources, tips and tricks

    hello everyone i am new to this forum but have poked my head around other forums over the few years that i have been in this game, im coming on here to not only help but also learn some new things, i am a advanced carder and have done lots of it in the past years, know lots of routes to most...