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  1. S

    need usa partner cashout paypal

    What's up put me in
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    Need partner for amazon carding

    Hey I'm interested and in USA and willing to work and learn I also got some things that might help you I really need to make some cash I just got out prison and need to pay rooms daily but I have legit addy to do drops at let's make this happen
  3. S

    Need someone to buy a Green Dot card and sell to me

    Hey bru I got the answer to ur problem with this green dot issue and I can show proof maybe we can help eachother
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    Can I get in on this let me kno
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    I will advetise you for commision

    Can you help me I got lots of legitimate fullz info bank accounts I'd SS everything matching I have done credit reports on them and have a merchant account I can use to verify funds on cc and check blances but I need help wht do I do with this info I'm tired of small loans and I need to make...
  6. S

    Some one send help send help quick please

    Some one please help I got a lot of info but don't no what to do with it don't know wht to do wtih it I'm willing to split what ever is made I just want to learn and out what I got to use I can show proof of what I have I need some guidence please I just want o learn and gett some experience
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    How to run a credit profile ??

    I believe I can hit me on here with a msg or hit me on telegram 30191 Cisneros
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    I'm waiting on you I been msgn I was busy this weekend I'm telling you I'm serious give me a...

    I'm waiting on you I been msgn I was busy this weekend I'm telling you I'm serious give me a time for real no bs
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    i need help got profiles eveything willing to split for help or advise on what to do next and i...

    i need help got profiles eveything willing to split for help or advise on what to do next and i will show proof of what i have
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    i need some advise guidence anything

    i been at this for a good minute i have lots of fullz info down to the wire but i dont quite kno how to work the profiles i can show proof of what i have to offer and its the legit paper copies hard copies everything good credit scores 625-725 on equifax 4.0 rating on van i done all the leg work...
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    how i get involved in this my tlegram is 30191 Cisneros plz msg me im still in the learning process an interested in learning and exploring new avenues
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    who serious bout makin shyt happen

    look long story short i need mo fukn help id say im new but tht be a lie its been a slow boogie for me i been doin this for bout 3 yrs un important i know cuz im still hitting small i got access to lots of legit fullz infos cs rangin from 600-725 rite now and access to everything down to there...