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  1. G

    Reuse old cards?

    In hopes for someone to assist. Can I delete the data off my old debit cards chip and program the new dump to the chip or do I just need to get the blanks. Just didnt wanna look sus at ATM
  2. G

    Can I use my old cards to clone?

    ON my old debit card? I try to delete jcop files and format then load new ATR But its not reading the cards which led me to think I can only clone EMV Chips on the White blanks and not on a old debit.
  3. G

    Can I use my old cards to clone?

    Hi Everyone, If someone could plz help me out. I want to write clones and have all software and equipment. I was wondering if I could clone the EMV Chip on a old debit card so I can cash out at the ATM. THANK YOU IN ADVANCED!!