Search results

  1. T

    Security measures

    use vmware
  2. T

    question for old school .. or new

    For the first order try to get some online items :-) Then after you have some experience get drop and start havin' fun
  3. T

    I need a MANY of Paypal accounts!

    From the higest ones i've got 2.5k UK, can provide backconnect socks too. Lower too, 800$ US etc. obdd
  4. T

    Read it First BADB Arrested

    Good method, but some people are just starting into business and you cant really get much from their posts. Of course the trades could stay into internal safe carders, but sooner or later we have to give trust to someone. As VasiliyPupkin wrote, if he would have stayed in russia he could be...
  5. T

    BOA d+p cashout

    what amount you trying to cash-out?
  6. T

    How does CC charchebacks work?

    Mostly the shop is responsible for processing safe transaction and verifing all the detalis. So the shop is gettin' charged at the end in 90% in cases
  7. T

    Untouched >> Virgin >> Worldwide >> FRESH >> Zeus Logs for Sell
