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  1. D

    Do I keep billing and shipping the same to avoid order being canceled?

    Do I keep billing and shipping the same to avoid order being canceled? And if so, do I simply reroute delivery?
  2. D

    Why is it so hard to card ??

    So what would be the best route to take to card higher security places? To be honest, I have no idea how get a SIM swap for a 3d bypass OTP. Seems complicated. I have also looked into apple Pay but not sure where to find a reliable method that isn’t outdated and recycled.
  3. D

    Does anyone still use NFC Airpay or MyCard app??

    I messaged you. Check your inbox.
  4. D

    Why is it so hard to card ??

    Wow there really is a lot that goes into successfully carding. In the meantime, how can i identify sites that will alllow my NON VBV card to successfully card them? I know going for lesser known sites is the way to go. But there is so much behind the scenes Stuff i wish i knew. For Example why...
  5. D

    Does anyone still use NFC Airpay or MyCard app??

    Hello all, Its been a while since I actually successfully tapped anywhere using the airpay app or mycard app. I was wondering if those apps even still work anymore? And Whether or not It requires very particular bins to work? All this time I’ve assumed any NON VBV dump would work with the app or...
  6. D

    Why is it so hard to card ??

    So are you suggesting that its best to Use VBV bins on higher security sites instead of NON VBV?
  7. D

    Why is it so hard to card ??

    Hello all, I dont know everything there is to know about carding but I know quite a bit. I was just curious to know why some giftcard sites are so hard to card even with having a NON VBV bin? What can i do to increase my chances of success?