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  1. I

    "Myself" The>planes

    He never contact u because u change your icq from 609562590 to 642517836. After u use icq 609562590 to rip him,u change your icq to 642517836 and claim icq 609562590 is not yours.He tried to join this forum but he was told he should pay 15wmz when he contact Admin so he said whats the point of...
  2. I

    "Myself" The>planes

    theplanes is just a low life ripper thats not suppose to be on this forum... (1)...i dont know if this is possible but can Admin pls check this guy "background" account and see if he change his password on the day he claim somone gain access to his account(29-06-2010, 10:09 AM).Coz usually if u...
  3. I


    I know that u have rip me and my friend but am not going to ever believe you system was ratted.U are a typical ripper,only a fool will believe your story that your system was ratted Am 100% sure u are the one that collect the money and we have accept our loss But people will read this post...
  4. I

    theplanes is a rippper and a liar,he ripped me and my friend 150$ LR

    @ open,maybe u didnot take your time to read the logs.let me break it down for u,this guy use alot of icq to rip and later claim his system was cyberus.DO U GET IT NOW????? Read the log
  5. I


    People this motherfucker is a ripper he collected money and didnot send login,later he claim he wasnt the one that talk to me that his system was ratted...i talk to this guy for about 4times before i gave his ICQ to my friend to buy from him,i would have notice he wasnt the one talking to me if...
  6. I


    Do u think am going to buy your stupid story that someone cyberus your system?u are a typical ripper trying to cover your ass up...u use the two ICQ to talk to people.. u use ICQ 609562590 to rip me and my friend 150$ Nobody cyberus or rats your system,u are 100% ripper
  7. I


    U such a good u believe people are going to believe your cover up stories that someone hack your account to talk to people? only a dumbass will believe someone cyberus your system or shit like that...u are a confirm ripper and u rip me and my friend 150$ Return our money now or...
  8. I

    "Myself" The>planes

    Oh My God...its so obvious that this low life wasteman is a ripper...Admin pls ban this guy,its only a matter of time before he rips someone else...This kind of people are not suppose to be on forums like this
  9. I


    I have told u that u will regret doing this...if u didnot send our money back,i will let everbody on this forum know u are a ripper so that your game will be over and noone will fall into your trap again
  10. I


    U started posting all this shit about someone else using your ICQ and all that after u rip me and my friend 150$ I know there is nothing i can do but i will try my best to make sure other people dont fall into your trap again
  11. I

    theplanes is a rippper and a liar,he ripped me and my friend 150$ LR

    Admin pls ban this guy..its only a matter of time before he rips someone else This are the kind of people that spoils this forum
  12. I

    "Myself" The>planes

    You fucking dickhead...why are u lying?u gave me the ICQ to add u when we chat on yahoo messenger...u are a confirm ripper and u will regret this if u didnot return the money
  13. I

    theplanes is a rippper and a liar,he ripped me and my friend 150$ LR

    This guy is a confirm ripper.he ripped me and my friend 150$ LR and claim the icq is not his own..he has alot of icq under the name theplanes... I contact him first on forum Originally Posted by ibrahim777 Hello friend,i live in UK and i will like to buy some hsbc login...pls hit me on yahoo...
  14. I


    This Dickhead is a ripper...His lying about someone else using his name...he Ripped me and my friend 150$..pls beware
  15. I

    "Myself" The>planes

    This guy is a confirm ripper.he ripped me and my friend 150$ LR and claim the icq is not his own..he has alot of icq under the name theplanes... I contact him first on forum Originally Posted by ibrahim777 Hello friend,i live in UK and i will like to buy some hsbc login...pls hit me on yahoo...
  16. I


    This guy is a confirm ripper.he ripped me and my friend 150$ LR and claim the icq is not his own..he has alot of icq under the name theplanes... I contact him first on forum Originally Posted by ibrahim777 Hello friend,i live in UK and i will like to buy some hsbc login...pls hit me on yahoo...
  17. I


    dead cc's..pls pm me live uk cc.thx