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  1. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    Pay attention to this review and see if sense is there He wrote without proof Why will someone give you something for free without payment, if it not deceive. He always ask for payment
  2. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    CC Master should answer my question before i reply to Admin. we both did the transaction, we wait for him if he give me something meaniful Admin can delete all my post and block me
  3. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    CC Master answer this questions: 1)Do you not ask me to change BTC to Qiwi 2)Do you not delete my chat on telegram 3)Do you not block me 4)Also do you not threatened me Will wait for reply
  4. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    You don't understand he deleted all messages he have a group on telegram but he deleted it He also said there is an advertisement on that why i came here Do not know about this forum waiting for Qiwi to Unblock my account to show proofs of payments made
  5. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    He also said there is an advertisement on that why i came here Do not know about this forum
  6. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    CC Master why do you delete my telegram chat and blocked me will wait for responds from you or clone @admin he said he gave you card proof it let be sure if you are not working for him
  7. T History

    Admin do not know what you are taking about, will wait for CC Master, to tell me why he delete my telegram chat and blocked me
  8. T History

    Why did my Post got deleted
  9. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    CC Master keep the money i don't need it you need it more Scam
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  11. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    This is also his fake, they will later give fake reviews
  12. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    He scam me am sure and deleted our messages on telegram now my Qiwi wallet is blocked. Wrote complain to Qiwi, the wallet will be Unblocked soon
  13. T History

    Moderators, Why was my post deleted and password been changed, is the forum a scam. Have to register a new acct
  14. T

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    Why was my post deleted and my password been changed, does the Admin support scam. I wrote that this is a scam, i was scam by him in another forum, ask me to to change bitcoin for Qiwi to buy card after that blocked me. All his review are always fake check the ones above and you will see it, i...