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  1. TotallyNOTaCop

    RDP recommendations? *Also BEWARE of scam*

    Hi Hacker, very much appreciated! Thank you man.
  2. TotallyNOTaCop

    RDP recommendations? *Also BEWARE of scam*

    Hi Guys, who can recommend me a good place to get RDP with residential IP in Las Vegas? I tried but turned out to be a scam (should have paid more attention I suppose). Thanks .
  3. TotallyNOTaCop

    totallyNOTacop - How about a little vouchy vouch? :)

    I. E. You're saying I need to do something to earn some kind of merit or what?
  4. TotallyNOTaCop

    Canadian date of birth

    USA info is easy to get. What about Canadian DOB (and other such information)???? Where can I find?? Thank you.
  5. TotallyNOTaCop

    Live cc and matching socks5

    I have a Canadian AMEX that hasnt been used yet if you want it. $15 I'll give you that and two socks ip's.
  6. TotallyNOTaCop

    totallyNOTacop - How about a little vouchy vouch? :)

    Whats up guys, I'm totallyNOTacop. Like other cops, I spend my day with my head buried in a trough, eating a mixture of old stale donuts, nasty old instant coffee, and fermented manure while fantasizing about the next suspect I'll imprison for victimless or nonviolent crimes :) ha.... ha I...
  7. TotallyNOTaCop

    G2A Giftcards carding

    sorry but that pic doesnt prove youve successfully carded anything. Only proves that you pushed "enter" to verify the purchase for authorization. Everyone can get to that screen. Show us a screenshot of the reciept of the email with the card. Im calling bullshit.
  8. TotallyNOTaCop

    Configuring the system for carding CC. Antidetect browsers. RDP. Virtual machines. Bypassing antifraud. Anonymization.

    Nicely written. Although still educating myself through research and empirical observation, I'd say we have similar philosophies about learning things for ourselves. May I ask something though, if you don't mind divulging - Are there many ways to cash out PP logs virtually, or is it mostly...
  9. TotallyNOTaCop


    Shut your stupid country texas redneck ass up! We are ALL so SICK of your god damn spam, homeboy! GTFO!
  10. TotallyNOTaCop

    Cash app help

    um dude, no. You cant just open cashapp and throw a CC on it with a new account. Only debit card is possible first. Pretty obvious either you havent actually even tried it or you havent done it recently enough to be advising people.
  11. TotallyNOTaCop

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Conversation message in 'moneygram' by cryptic0 has been reported by TotallyNOTaCop. Reason given: Content being reported:
  12. TotallyNOTaCop

    Anyone successfully bought BTC with BIN 414720??? (Chase)

    As the title states, before I go wasting my CC's, anyone done it? Its pretty well known that chase is now onboard with investing in bitcoin, but the last news I heard about CC purchases was that BTC purchases were banned with their cards. Anyone? Thanks :)
  13. TotallyNOTaCop

    CC to BTC Methods

    Still works in May???
  14. TotallyNOTaCop

    buy or exchange ssn database is what youre looking for. dont let any of these idiots scam you. Just use the site I just mentioned. It's like not even $6 (less, last time I looked) per SSN and is immediate.