Search results

  1. builder1

    Предложение дропов

    bank dropi v uk. prakti4eski lubie banki. gotov rabotat s sumami ot 3k
  2. builder1

    Searching EU bank drops!

    i have some uk drops if u still need. check pm
  3. builder1

    privet. est abbik. otpishi na icq#623635089

    privet. est abbik. otpishi na icq#623635089
  4. builder1

    Предложение дропов

    dropi v uk nerazvodnie po4ti luboi bank primem luboi perevod, no ne rabotaem s 4ekami minimalnaya summa 3k
  5. builder1

    moget kamy pregaditsia

    capitalone 4775965320602617 813. username: vodinou123. pas: demila123
  6. builder1

    do u have UK stuffs? Pls read

    what kind of stuff do you mean
  7. builder1

    VIP раздел

    VIP ? a tagda shto takoe csu? xatite sdelat VIP dlia navichkov ? :)
  8. builder1


    "honest answer"? U ARE IN INTERNET MATE :)
  9. builder1

    aka vs UK

    God Save the Queen :)
  10. builder1

    £72m bank fraud

    nise but pointless
  11. builder1

    £72m bank fraud The quiet young man at heart of £72m bank fraud Three months ago, 25-year-old Jagmeet Channa carried out the most audacious bank fraud in British history. Although found guilty last week, the young Essex man has refused to name his accomplices...
  12. builder1

    nugni logi s uk saita

    razve taxi paexala?
  13. builder1

    Jabber или ICQ must die

  14. builder1

    Нужно чекнуть дропов в ЮК

    napishi v pm ditalna shto nugna, ia v uk. moget smagu pamoch
  15. builder1

    Банковские акки для залива

    ia daiu begunam 10%. i vse shaslivi.
  16. builder1

    no more 500 euros

    it was on BBC also P.S. congratulations with new moron Prime Minister
  17. builder1

    no more 500 euros

    yes, that"s why we all here :)
  18. builder1

    no more 500 euros

    British banks have withdrawn the 500 euro note from sale because it is reportedly fuelling organised crime. British police have found that 90 per cent of notes in circulation are used by criminal gangs involved with drug dealing and money laundering. The financial crime writer, Jeffrey...