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  1. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thank you very much for the warning. Yes, a very strange purchase offer. This service has not been tested on our forum and has not paid for the advertising theme. He indicates that he has a private store in which he sells cards, but did not provide a link. I ask this buyer-seller to provide me...
  2. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thank you very much for the warning. This service has not been tested and paid for advertising on our forum. If the service has passed the test and paid for advertising, I will always write about it in their topic. Unfortunately, many people use the fact that advertising on our forum is free and...
  3. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thank you very much for your help, the accounts of scammers have been blocked.
  4. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thank you very much, the spammer has been blocked. Most likely, he also threw.
  5. admin

    Thank you. Done.
  6. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thank you very much for your help and warning. The account has been banned.
  7. admin

    Fake Feshop Domain Update

    Thank you very much for the warning. He created and advertises a fake scam shop. A clone of a proven and reliable CC store. Original Feshop did not change the original domain and was not hacked. Account is banned.
  8. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thank you very much for your help in identifying rippers. The scammers account has been blocked.
  9. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thank you very much for contacting us. He spammed many forum threads and user profiles. Taken measures: 1. 20 Spam messages from topics and profiles with the same content have been removed. 2. The spammer's account has been blocked. I hate thanks for helping to make the forum better and cleaner.
  10. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    The topic has been moved to the corresponding checked section. I wish you successful work!
  11. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thank you guys so much. You are good fellows that you quickly discover the thief. The scammer's account has been blocked.
  12. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thanks a lot for the warning. The scammer's account has been blocked. Please help to make the forum better!
  13. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Аккаунты являются личной собственностью каждого пользователя и могут содержать персональную информацию включая контактные данные и личные сообщения. Конечно, нерадивые пользователи вправе распорядиться ими по своему усмотрению, в обход рекомендации администрации и правил форума. Тем не менее...
  14. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thanks guys for your vigilance. Ripper got banned.
  15. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    С какой целью вы пожаловались на сообщение в моем профиле на ответ, который сами же задали?
  16. admin

    Куплю аккаунт данного форума.

    Здравствуйте. Вы задали в чате вопрос "Можно ли редактировать, исправлять посты/комментарии которые были к примеру созданы неделю/месяц/год - назад?" Вы хотите купить чей-то аккаунт и изменить контакты на свои? С какой целью, если пишите что ничего не собираетесь продавать? Или Вам нужен...
  17. admin

    Здравствуйте. Какая именно помощь Вам нужна? С удовольствием поможем Вам чем сможем.

    Здравствуйте. Какая именно помощь Вам нужна? С удовольствием поможем Вам чем сможем.
  18. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Hello. Thank you very much for contacting us. You are helping to make our forum better and cleaner. We always fight against scammers and spammers. Action taken - all spam topics have been removed. The spammer's account has been blocked. We are very glad for your help and support!
  19. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Thank you for your request. The administration really likes the topics you post. You are sharing very interesting, important and useful information. Please keep up the good work. I express my deep gratitude to you. Your topic has been successfully transferred to the Real Carding section. It is...
  20. admin

    Reported content: Post message from fake carder-scammers

    Hello. Thank you very much for helping to fight scammers and deceivers. This unwelcome user is constantly posting false suggestions on the forums and we try to react immediately. Action taken on the complaint: The scam topic has been moved to the scammers section. The ripper account has been...