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  1. R

    am i doing anything wrong?

    Its IP fault, some are slow some faster.
  2. R

    am i doing anything wrong?

    Ive noticed that every session detection is diffrent, run the test yourself, grab yourself one IP, no matter the quality of it, Launch session on undetectable named 1 for example, this session has no DNS leaks, 100% browser authenticity, and 5% on (while spoofing computer, its okay)...
  3. R

    What am i doing wrong?

    You are using a proxy that blocks financial institutions, change the DNS.
  4. R

    What am i doing wrong?

    Checkers can kill cards, dont use them, if im not mistaken, checkers use the cards for microdeposits such as $0.01, and many banks nowadays know that fraudsters use those microdeposits to check availabity of the card, they will block the card instantly or call cardholder. Use ubereats to check...
  5. R

    sharkshop vc legit

    you realise software cant tell if the dump is dead? xD you can put fake data, ofcourse some things have to match like the quantity of numbers associated to track 2, or EXPDATESERVICECODE after = sign but besides that, you can put fake numbers, softwares like jcop or x2 or cardpeek wont know if...
  6. R

    Ищу ментора по кардингу

    @kz24106 on telegram, say you came from forum.
  7. R

    non vbv bins

    546604 546630 546325 539277 511541 last one is non vbv, i dont know about the rest, last time checked- couple of days ago, enjoy.
  8. R

    Telegram Handed Over 2,200 Users to US Authorities

    If i recall correctly back in october it was only 14 for UK crazy stuff, but there are better chats like TOX/signal/simpleX now
  9. R

    где покупать пустышки?

    exactly, i dont understand, пустышки translates to pacifieres, which little babys suck🤣
  10. R

    Почему не стоит платить за обучение кардингу?

    Probably by being active and helping people, improving traffic, you can get knowledge not revealed to anyone here on forum ;) What statistics are you going to collect? also if anyone doesnt understand english, they can install the google translate browser extention, or copy text and put it on DeepL
  11. R

    Почему не стоит платить за обучение кардингу?

    Ask questions on the forum bro, create new threads, people will anwser, maybe some people have simillar problems? either post questions yourself or "tactics" feel free to gatekeep tactics that can be easyly "burned" by newbies, no one will judge you, i wouldnt require a good carder to share...
  12. R

    Как сделать этот форум привлекательным?

    1- automatic escrow is a very good thing, just like on styx 3- what for? everything is either already here, or people can ask questions, no need for some PDF courses or free sessions 4-Yes, i dont know why this hasnt been implemented still ))))) 5- only if the forum gains enough traffic, which i...
  13. R

    Куда делся лайф-чат?

    Sadly the forum lost a lot of traffic, to rebuild it, good content and new messages need to be posted, even if one person registeres and posts one message its a lot.
  14. R

    Антифрод системы

    No need to sell courses, post your knowledge here, feel free to gatekeep any tactics that might get burned, help out newbies.
  15. R

    How do I create a CashApp account successfully?

    What for? creating a cashapp account isnt a problem, i dont understand your struggle, what is your goal? describe your problem more.
  16. R

    Warming up?

    Never used it and i think it only works on amazon and ebay, cant be too sure, i know for a fact you have to warm up amazon accounts for days (for refunds atleast) Cookie build up is enough.
  17. R

    В поиске работы онлайн

    What exactly do you need? you want someone to invest into you? or for someone to get you cards, i dont understand, please try to use english.
  18. R

    Руководство по кардингу: Вбив Jaxxon (сложность 1/10)

    I dont know about this site since i dont card it, but for example on sonos reshiping is easy, so you can just order bill=ship and call after email confirmation( there are services for that) and sonos usually doesnt ask questions, so they just change the ship adress and you are all set! ordered...