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Hidden Miner 2020-12-29

Hidden hacked miner. After unpacking the archive, run the exe file and enter your data.

Скрытый взломаный майнер. После распаковки архива запустите exe файл и укажите свои данные.
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First of all, we will register for the active advertising service here( Now let's go to the site and we will create a landing page for our file for free (for 14 days). Your task is to make sure that when you log in to the site, a person wants to download and run the file. Here is an example:

Creating the "paid tests" task on Yandex. Checkout. The essence of which is to go to your landing page and answer questions. That is, you don't force anyone to download the file. If a person downloaded the file, it is their own initiative. Additional settings are as follows:

We add money to the task balance and get installations. An additional bonus is that you can "wind up" any CPA affiliate program in this way, just make a competent text.

1. In general, we go to the OK and reg under the guise of a beautiful woman and in the status we write something like this: I will achieve you at any cost, despite my wife.
2. We go to groups of couples, love, happiness, etc.
3. We write to our wives , your husband and I are having a great time she answers I mean, but here is a photo - and a link to the miner, it is better to make a direct link so that it is immediately downloaded and it will open it
4. The miner is installed

1. Go to the wmrok box office
2. Create a task, open the photo and say the code
3. Set the price for $ 0.1
4. Specify the link, they ask you to upload a total to the virus, and you upload the same file with the same size and name and throw a link to the total virus
