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  • hello,

    i am sorry to disturb you, but i have a problem,,,,

    because of a stupid conversation with sefyu..i got deer now...i am sorry that i said bad words to him, but at all he starts to say stupid ripper to me without proof, and iam not ripper...

    now i need a pos chip, and i want to buy from cdn-ven...but i am deer now.. i talked allready with sefyu and said sorry to him..

    please make my deer away, to have a chance to make the trade over escrow with cdn-ven..and proof also you, that i am a serious member,

    Please bro, I need your help about this.
    I tried to buy DE ccs from this guy username : 2-2 and 6 hours after, I still dont receive my order.
    So I can say he ripped me $50.

    Can you please try to figure this out?

    I posted the log in blacklist session. My username : Ghostx

    Help me please. Thanks
    bro i have contact 2 days ago to clear the situation between me and capac,
    pls get involve in this matter.
    Good day bro...... please i need an upgrade to an account at .
    I will be glad if done
    Bro, capac does not to replace the order after all dumps were hold call and invalid dumps!?
    please look in this matter.
    привет админ. только я вот не понимаю почему вы постоянно удаляете мою тему про укр пассы???????
    bro, I want to sell blank/embossed cc plastics. how can I get verified? Your reply is much appreciated.
    I'm old member in and I had banned there,because I shared my account with my friend once and than he fucking idiot decided to create his own account and mines get banned for "multi accounts" something like that. Could you check it and if you can help unban it to me? Thank you very much
    видит бог не хотел материться но админ как олень молчит и ни че не обьясняет(((
    работай уже!!!!!!!!
    я смотрю такая фигня у вас здесь процветает, а обьяснять ни кто ни чего не умеет, или админ не участвует в жизни форума устал писать тебе уже хоть какая то реакция должна последовать, соответственно адекватная админу!
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