Who Knows how the Tax Refund file works


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I knw little about it but they Keep rejecting me so i think am not going it right..So pls if yu more about the Tax Refund file..Let me knw so that we share ideals together here ...Waiting for good Respond..Thanks Yu all ...


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I knw little about it but they Keep rejecting me so i think am not going it right..So pls if yu more about the Tax Refund file..Let me knw so that we share ideals together here ...Waiting for good Respond..Thanks Yu all ...

you are late to the game; most people filed already

if you want taxes approved not just accepted, you need to get good info..

you need previous year's W2 or get the CR and look up the EIN on the CR, find the income, mortgage, etc, and use fresh socks for everytime you file


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This is how you do it. I'm bored, high, and see lots of people asking about this tax. I am petty crook but I will teach you what I've been told. It will take a little while to do this right and maybe a few k. You need to get an address, post box whatever that you can keep for a while. Don't commit other crime with the other address or box, will not be good. You get you a person full info, cr etc... Call them "victim 1". You call up the irs and tell them you are starting a company and you want to get EIN number. They give you the number easily for some reason. Once you get you EIN number, you start hiring employees to you new company. Now, these employee won't know they are work for you. Which is best because they would probably hate you as a boss. Now you will need to go to one of those legal sites that make checks and do payroll for you and report you income and tax to irs for each employee you hire. It will cost you some cash, but this way depends on if you really want this to work. Now you create fake invoice for your company and receipt, whatever you want. You can do this yourself if you like also.

Now you are not really selling anything or paying any money to any employee, you are only reporting it so irs know how much you owe in tax and employee of you have owe in tax. You need to open bank account for these employee of you, prepaid will work also but they are on the lookout for tax accounts. it is best to open accounts and have some movement on them for months, so no suspension when you finally get your returns next tax time.

Now you can make the amount of money you are selling your fake products and paying your employee to make returns higher and filing status. When you file tax return this way, you are just making a new w2 that irs will have. The fake employee/employer will still be able to file their own regular return also. This way, poor people can still get them much earn money also. You have so many years to pay irs taxes you owe on your company, so you could do this for a few years before they come looking for you and give you bracelet.

Now, the legal company you use to make up your checks etc... they don't know that you have any money, they just make check you want.The check will be real, but since their is no money in the account, you can't cash them. They will still report amount to irs that you claim to make and give you your w2 to give to your employees when tax time come around. Now when you file the tax, you will have all exact information to fill in the boxes. amounts, filing status, address, ein etc...

I'm sure you can clean this up better to fit you need. I hope this help some of you tax thief, and help the poor person also. win/win for all but govt.


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you are late to the game; most people filed already

if you want taxes approved not just accepted, you need to get good info..

you need previous year's W2 or get the CR and look up the EIN on the CR, find the income, mortgage, etc, and use fresh socks for everytime you file

Yeh i think am Late in the Game coz all Taxes i file,they Reject me but one guy said i should wait early Jan next year and i wil get luck from there..Thank for the info,am very Grateful :)