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I am new to and wanted to make a thread about uk carding I have input from other carders to help us all along I know allot of people dont want to explain how they are cashing out there cc's but there are many ways and if we unite with ideas by thread or pm we will help one another

I am gonna talk about a few ways to cashout cc any ideas coments are welcome

I have been carding a long time and have a few methods close to my chest and am willing to exchange if you have ways also its common that carders find a way and keep it to them selves I am looking for parters to trade shops with and icq sellers , trust me dont send me rippers or auto hack lr shops that are now everywhere and yes I have been stung by them and had all my lr taken like a class idiot but if you dont try you dont get get.


1: Carding using EU, USA , BRAZIL CC

Allot of people know this basically you can card any store you like with any cc allot of merchants are getting big on stopping this like sage pay , they are a pain in the ass good to start with trick to do is keep changing phone number to each different name you use or they will see in logs that its fraud.

Ok now you got your Valid cc brazil I like for this you need to A: find a shop B: most important decide what you are going to use to make a payment, not all brazil are vbv I dont offer a bin list but can tell you that allot still are not now I have had allot of luck using my own laptop and just changing my ip using forighn cc make sure you clean cookies history catche, and DAT files make sure your sytstem cleaner has DAT cleaner also google Flash cookies you also need to delete these.

Now your all ready to go best to pick a shop not high street for this you can use anyname any address, so make up a name and PayPal to it like John Smith for example you can use this for billing and delivery!!!! get a voip number for your home phone number and your away

Now whats gonna happen is some shops will send the stuff out to you strait away and others will call for phone verifactaion so amke sure you answer the phone, its so easy as when you checkout you use your drop address for billing and delivery.

Now some shops will call you because they will say they have done a check on the card and the address is not a match as its a eu card or us or brazil etc you say well there must be a problem etc I have never had this problem before and they will ask you for id, or utility scan etc you can get all this on here

Ok I was gonna add a few more methods but will listen to your feedback first on ways to card uk stores,

I am always looking for new shops and sellers I need UK cc and require in bulk so let me know if you can help , can do deals via Escrow etc

Let me know if you want to trade Ideas or selling cashing out methods

You can contact me via PM

Post ways to card UK stores here dont be shy I would like to get on the subject of uk carding only and ways to do it using UK or foriehn and also ways of beating VBV

Happy Carding