verifying uk paypals (TUT)


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Ok so my first ever tut ,some may already know some not if i help a few people with it then it was worth my 5-10 of my life :)

This method can be used to verify paypals for ebay scams any scams involving paypal that may help you getting the funds now even tho this does verify the account it does not gaurantee that the funds wont get put on hold.

I am going to use barclays as an example as this is what i use and know works,
if you havent got already then get a barclays current account upto you how you go about it fake id e.t.c upto you , then you will need to get online access they will post out keypad to you/your drop what ever method you have chosen.

Now once you got all the online info you need log into the online banking and you will see an option to open up savings accounts these are esaver acounts that are online and no need for actual card in hand , you open up the account online with the easy to follow process (takes around 2 minutes max) and you are given acc number and a sort code now with barclays you can open upto around 10 savings accounts mix between esavers and other types of online savings you will see a list of the available accs in the online section.

Now once you have opened these accounts you can use them for many things but in this situation your going to use them for verfifying paypal accounts or and cashing out paypals.

If your paypal is opened in another name dont worry you can enter any name when you enter the acc and sort number in the verifying section through paypal you may need to put in address of bank , you can find a address with a quick google search.

so once you done that the verify process takes around 2-5 days they will lput 2 small deposits into the acc you then put these ammounts into the section on paypal to verify the account .
this will enable you to withdraw higher ammounts other than the 500gbp limit and also send higher ammounts and the main reason why most of you will be doing this is to less the risk of holding the money in the accounts.

Now if you are doing ebay scams or any other scams that involve paypal i recomend using the acc to buy a few things online first this will give paypal the impression that your not just a money taker and that you are actually maybe legit and using the acc.

again less chance of them holding the money i cannot 100% gaurantee that with this method that paypal are not going to hold your money but i can gaurantee that you will have a much higher sucess rate of being able to spend the money on ebay or other sites of your choice and able to withdraw the cash although remember when withdrawing sometimes they go through other checks so use your brain a little a good thing to do is buy something on ebay that will hold its value like gold for example that you can sell locally. once delivered to your drop get one of your runners/mules to go sell in gold pawn shops and you should get most back from what you payed but hey any money is good money :D always remember how you got the money so profit is profit and greed is not always a good thing.

ill have another read over this in the next few days and if i spot anything i have missed i will add and answer any questions :)

and always remember
Make big money, bro!


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Nice tut bro. U can also use lloyds current accounts with online


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Nice tut bro. U can also use lloyds current accounts with online

i havent tryed lloyds but thanks for the info will look into that :)