The absolute basics of hacking


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The Absolute Basics of Hacking
A writeup by Alkatron
Hello and welcome to this tutorial. If you see all the text on this page, and are afraid, you're not meant to be a hacker, quit now. Also, please know now that unlike in the movies, not everything is hackable. I will be writing about the basics of hacking servers; I will cover how to scan and/or exploit vulnerable daemons (services) running on the target server, and how to discover and/or exploit web-script vulnerabilities. You will need to know your way around a computer before reading this. And if you don't know what a word means, Google or Wiki it!; if you don't understand a concept, post here and I will try to clarify. Thanks for reading, hope this helps.

Recommended Tools
Port Scanner - nmap -
Browser - FireFox -

Daemon Vulnerabilities
Daemons (also commonly known as services) are the processes that run on a computer that allow it to do things such as serve pages with the HTTP protocol, etc. (although they do not always necessarily interact over a network). Sometimes these daemons are poorly coded, which allows for an attacker to send some sort of input to them, and they either crash, or in worse cases, they run any code the attacker chooses.

Scanning For Vulnerabilites
Well, this is where a little common sense comes in, because we need to answer one question: Which ports to scan? Well, with a little googling, we'd know that the default port for the HTTPD (web daemon) is 80, for the FTPD it's 21, etc. So if we wanted to know the version of the HTTPD running on the server, we'd run "nmap -p 80 -sV". NOTICE the -sV argument; it is vital, otherwise nmap will just return whether or not the port is open, and won't provide us with the daemon's version. This is great and all, but we don't want to just scan one port at a time do we? Well nmap has us covered there, so just scan multiple ports by seperating each target port with a comma (,) like so: "nmap -p 21,80 -sV". However, if you don't mind the scan taking a while longer, you can scan a range of ports like so: "nmap -p 1-1000 -sV". This will scan all ports between 1 and 1000.

Checking For Vulnerability
After your scan has finished, nmap will display the open ports on your target, along with their version (if they were identifiable, usually they are). An example return would look like this: "80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.0.32". Taking this information, we search on milw0rm for "Apache". After skimming through the results, we see that the target is vulnerable to this vulnerability, which when run on the target server will make it crash.

Using the Exploits
This varies, depending on the language that the exploit is coded in; google on how to do this, since it would just be wasting my time how to use all of the different languages here.

Common Web-Script Vulnerabilities
In this section, I will be writing about vulnerabilities in a webserver's server-sided code. Here are the topics I will be covering:
•SQL Injection
•XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)
•RFI/LFI (Remote/Local File Include)

SQL Injection
SQL injection is the act of injection your own, custom-crafted SQL commands into a web-script so that you can manipulate the database any way you want. Some example usages of SQL injection: Bypass login verification, add new admin account, lift passwords, lift credit-card details, etc.; you can access anything that's in the database.

Example Vulnerable Code - login.php (PHP/MySQL)
Here's an example of a vulnerable login code
$user = $_POST['u'];
$pass = $_POST['p'];

if (!isset($user) || !isset($pass)) {
echo("<form method=post><input type=text name=u value=Username><br /><input type=password name=p value=Password><br /><input type=submit value=Login></form>");
} else {
$sql = "SELECT `IP` FROM `users` WHERE `username`='$user' AND `password`='$pass'";
$ret = mysql_query($sql);
$ret = mysql_fetch_array($ret);
if ($ret[0] != "") {
echo("Welcome, $user.");
} else {
echo("Incorrect login details.");

Basically what this code does, is take the username and password input, and takes the users's IP from the database in order to check the validity of the username/password combo.

Testing Inputs For Vulnerability
Just throw an "'" into the inputs, and see if it outputs an error; if so, it's probably injectable. If it doesn't display anything, it might be injectable, and if it is, you will be dealing with blind SQL injection which anyone can tell you is no fun. Else, it's not injectable.

The Example Exploit
Let's say we know the admin's username is Administrator and we want into his account. Since the code doesn't filter our input, we can insert anything we want into the statement, and just let ourselves in. To do this, we would simply put "Administrator" in the username box, and "' OR 1=1--" into the password box; the resulting SQL query to be run against the database would be "SELECT `IP` FROM `users` WHERE `username`='Administrator' AND `password='' OR 1=1--'". Because of the "OR 1=1", it will have the ability to ignore the password requirement, because as we all know, the logic of "OR" only requires one question to result in true for it to succeed, and since 1 always equals 1, it works; the "--" is the 'comment out' character for SQL which means it ignores everything after it, otherwise the last "'" would ruin the syntax, and just cause the query to fail.

++ if u see this helpfull thanks,


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waooo man,i love dis.can u plz help me out wit tutorial on how to start hacking? cos i realy love d programme so i wuldnt mind be ur student. thanx
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Can you use this to add information to a server that wasn't there before or change info that was already there? Like say changing credit limits, credit scores, school grades, bank account addresses.
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? Hacking Basics ?

?What is Hacking?

In the cyber security world, the person who is able to find the weakness of the system and exploit it for his reason(Good or bad) is referred to as a hacker and the process is called hacking.

Hacking is not just about hacking someones facebook account or hacking games, that's still a part of hacking but it's just a micron of the whole thing... So keep this I mind before we get hacking.

?Types of Hackers?

? 1. Script Kiddie; ?

are the hackers who copy other people's work and use their software, not hacking themselves.

? 2. White hat hackers; ?

are hackers who hack into systems for good proposes and are hackers who work for companies to protect their websites or systems from hackers.

? 3. Black hat hackers; ?

are hackers who hack systems and websites for malicious reasons.

? 4. Grey hat hackers; ?

are hackers who neither hack for good or bad purposes, they stay neutral, but can become either at any time.

? 5. Hacktivists; ?

are hackers who use their hacking skills to protest,
Well know you know the types of hackers, now you choose your path.

? What Is Identity Theft? ?

Identity theft is a two-step process. First, someone steals your personal information.

Second, the thief uses that information to impersonate you and commit fraud.

Of course, stealing your personal information isn't the worst of the crime; it's the second part of this process that does the most harm , using your information to commit credit card fraud, mortgage and utilities scams; and leave you with emptied bank accounts.

Love u all♥️