SpyEye Setup Service *OR* Builds with modules


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No problem rob1h00d for you i will always be here ....
Extra stuffs, Extra communication, HELPFULL, VERY GOOD GUY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love this shit !!!!!!!!!!

Regards for you because you are the BEST HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Please contact me ASAP.

I need traffic NOW and I am willing to pay good money for a good quick supply.


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Great service!!! Purchased this an hour ago and he finished my setup within 30 minutes! thanks alot he also gave me free 100 installs as a test.


Reaction score
This man is a joke and a ripper, he clearly does not understand SpyEye. What is more he was INCREADIBLY rude.

We agreed he would crypt for $15 on the condition that it did not break plugins. He agreed to refund if it did.

His crypted bin was 500kb! The build I gave him was a packed lite bin, 89kb. He assured me this was ok.

Plugins of course did not work and he refused refund. In doing so he shows he knows NOTHING of the SpyEye arch.

(6:17:51 PM) 632771149: you said $15
(6:17:56 PM) 632771149: for FUD spyeye
(6:18:02 PM) 632771149: that i will take now
(6:18:16 PM) 107718: ok
(6:18:25 PM) 107718: upload
(6:18:42 PM) 632771149: sec
(6:19:02 PM) 632771149: before you do
(6:19:03 PM) 107718: wmz?
(6:19:06 PM) 632771149: LR only :(
(6:19:09 PM) 632771149: problem?
(6:19:10 PM) 632771149: WMZ lock
(6:19:12 PM) 107718: ok
(6:19:20 PM) 632771149: before i pay
(6:19:24 PM) 632771149: this will work with all plugins?
(6:19:29 PM) 632771149: socks/ftp/grabber
(6:19:31 PM) 632771149: etc
(6:19:31 PM) 632771149: yes
(6:19:43 PM) 632771149: i will send UPX lite bin
(6:19:45 PM) 632771149: 89k
(6:19:48 PM) 632771149: this will be ok?
(6:20:03 PM) 107718: ok
(6:20:11 PM) 632771149: http://core.arrest.su/3y3/main/bin/build___G_Zero.exe - 1.2.80
(6:20:16 PM) 632771149: and all plugins work yes?
(6:20:28 PM) 632771149: because if not crypting is easy ;)
(6:21:17 PM) 632771149: also
(6:21:27 PM) 632771149: the stub is well supported?
(6:21:30 PM) 632771149: ie. no .NET
(6:21:32 PM) 632771149: if so
(6:21:42 PM) 632771149: i will use your crypt service very regularly
(6:21:47 PM) 632771149: and i do like some of ur other services
(6:21:53 PM) 107718: fuck, u give me headache man
(6:21:56 PM) 632771149: yep
(6:21:56 PM) 107718: shut up
(6:22:11 PM) 632771149: fine
(6:22:27 PM) 632771149: crypt, i will pay, if not good then we will not do this again
(6:22:45 PM) 107718: ok
(6:25:13 PM) 632771149: before you test, tell me, i will skip update
(6:31:07 PM) 107718: ok
(6:43:38 PM) 632771149: crypt complete?
(6:43:53 PM) 107718: oh i forgot (
(6:43:57 PM) 632771149: np
(6:43:59 PM) 632771149: eta?
(6:44:06 PM) 107718: 2 min
(6:44:13 PM) 632771149: thank you
(6:44:24 PM) 632771149: and will this stub be resued?
(6:44:29 PM) 632771149: so will lose fud fast
(6:45:53 PM) 107718: http://scanner2.novirusthanks.org/analysis/d9c0f09063ffb3fd2eced111e202101c/Y3J5cHRlZC1leGU=/
(6:46:06 PM) 107718: fack drweb
(6:46:13 PM) 632771149: nvt still disclose
(6:46:16 PM) 632771149: you need private
(6:46:20 PM) 632771149: you would like one?
(6:46:49 PM) 107718: ?
(6:46:59 PM) 632771149: 523264 bytes?
(6:47:04 PM) 632771149: :eek:
(6:47:14 PM) 632771149: *sigh*
(6:47:18 PM) 632771149: if plugins work
(6:47:24 PM) 632771149: it is still useable
(6:48:17 PM) 107718: it will work
(6:48:41 PM) 632771149: yes it will
(6:48:46 PM) 632771149: but i will need to code a FUD loader
(6:48:53 PM) 632771149: because bin size far too large
(6:48:55 PM) 632771149: not a problem
(6:48:58 PM) 632771149: if plugins work
(6:49:07 PM) 632771149: if this is .NET
(6:49:11 PM) 632771149: it is not usable
(6:49:20 PM) 107718: no net
(6:49:21 PM) 632771149: but you said vb
(6:49:24 PM) 632771149: so ok
(6:49:28 PM) 632771149: well supported
(6:56:16 PM) 107718: whant it or no?
(6:57:08 PM) 632771149: please test in VM
(6:57:11 PM) 632771149: i will check in logs
(6:57:14 PM) 632771149: if plugins work
(6:57:16 PM) 632771149: i will buy
(6:57:39 PM) 107718: i wont check it
(6:57:50 PM) 632771149: ?
(6:57:55 PM) 632771149: ok
(6:57:58 PM) 632771149: i will pay
(6:58:01 PM) 632771149: and check it
(6:58:03 PM) 107718: pay, you test, if not working i just refund
(6:58:06 PM) 632771149: fair
(6:58:09 PM) 632771149: please wait 2 mins
(6:58:13 PM) 107718: or wait for new stub
(6:58:15 PM) 632771149: must make 1 phone call
(6:58:27 PM) 107718: ok 2m
(6:59:01 PM) 632771149: LR acct?
(6:59:11 PM) 632771149: my gf will take call
(6:59:15 PM) 632771149: as you are clearly far too busy
(6:59:16 PM) 107718: U3988029
(7:00:20 PM) 632771149: U3988029
(7:00:30 PM) 632771149: man that accout is limited
(7:00:32 PM) 632771149: this worrys me
(7:00:35 PM) 632771149: LR can be limited
(7:00:53 PM) 632771149: You are trying to send money to a limited account. Please contact account owner for more information.
(7:01:47 PM) 107718: what?
(7:02:05 PM) 632771149: You are trying to send money to a limited account. Please contact account owner for more information.
(7:02:13 PM) 632771149: i cannot send to U3988029
(7:02:15 PM) 632771149: which is worrying
(7:02:19 PM) 632771149: because i have good money in my LR
(7:02:38 PM) 107718: Oh
(7:02:55 PM) 107718: wait, i have it blocked
(7:02:59 PM) 107718: a moment
(7:05:08 PM) 632771149: now?
(7:05:43 PM) 632771149: (6:02:11 PM) 107718: wut?
(6:06:27 PM) 107718: ?
(6:06:38 PM) 107718: time waste = instant ban
(7:05:45 PM) 632771149: ;)
(7:17:15 PM) 632771149: mf
(7:17:15 PM) Unable to send message: Service unavailable
(7:24:44 PM) 107718: The encrypted message received from 107718 is unreadable, as you are not currently communicating privately.
[Image] (7:25:01 PM) Unverified conversation with 107718 started.
(7:25:01 PM) 107718: [resent] sorry my inet went down
(7:25:09 PM) 632771149: np
(7:25:16 PM) 107718: acc is working
(7:25:19 PM) 632771149: ?
(7:25:21 PM) 632771149: what
(7:25:38 PM) 107718: you can send to U3988029
(7:25:47 PM) 632771149: wait
(7:25:50 PM) 107718: its unlocked
(7:27:47 PM) 632771149: and to confirm you will refund is plugins do not work as agreed?
(7:28:00 PM) 632771149: i hope it does not come to that
(7:28:14 PM) 632771149: hmm?
(7:28:45 PM) 632771149: hood?
(7:28:47 PM) 632771149: y/n?
(7:28:51 PM) 632771149: w/e
(7:28:53 PM) 632771149: 15 send
(7:29:58 PM) 632771149: hello?
(7:30:49 PM) 632771149: mf
(7:30:53 PM) 107718: ok
(7:30:55 PM) 632771149: this is not impressive
(7:30:57 PM) 632771149: ah you have returned
(7:31:29 PM) 632771149: so
(7:31:31 PM) 632771149: send bin?
(7:32:27 PM) 632771149: please stay online for 10 minutes
(7:32:30 PM) 632771149: while i verify
(7:32:34 PM) 107718: ok
(7:47:14 PM) 107718: ok man, test and say result, no more
(7:51:25 PM) 632771149: i see no socks connection
(7:51:28 PM) 632771149: verifying
(7:52:20 PM) 632771149: still none despite two updates
(7:53:11 PM) 632771149: i will wait for one more update
(7:53:57 PM) 632771149: 3 updates
(7:54:01 PM) 632771149: no SOCKS connection
(7:54:03 PM) 632771149: or FTP
(7:54:17 PM) 632771149: and you accuse me of timewaste?
(7:54:28 PM) 632771149: not only are you exceptionally rude, slow and unable to make a bin usable in any exploit pack
(7:54:41 PM) 632771149: you are unable to deliver what is promised
(7:54:47 PM) 632771149: you agreed to a refund
(7:54:50 PM) 632771149: i would like one.
(7:55:18 PM) 632771149: i suppose you will now ignore me
(7:55:20 PM) 632771149: ?
(7:55:24 PM) 107718: exe working
(7:55:47 PM) 107718: maybe u have problem with ur plugins
(7:55:49 PM) 632771149: no
(7:55:53 PM) 632771149: you have a problem with your crypt
(7:56:01 PM) 632771149: despite claiming it worked with plugins
(7:56:08 PM) 632771149: and offering a refund on request
(7:56:10 PM) 632771149: i would not mind
(7:56:19 PM) 632771149: but you are rude
(7:56:25 PM) 107718: crypt wont affect plugins
(7:56:34 PM) 632771149: that is simply wrong
(7:56:43 PM) 632771149: do you know how the internals of spyeye work?
(7:56:46 PM) 632771149: clearly not
(7:56:57 PM) 107718: yes
(7:57:17 PM) 107718: thats cause of gribo shit packer
(7:57:28 PM) 632771149: mf
(7:57:36 PM) 632771149: you are not simply just rude
(7:57:40 PM) 632771149: but obviously not good
(7:57:45 PM) 632771149: gribos packer?
(7:57:48 PM) 632771149: it is called UPX
(7:57:52 PM) 632771149: it is not his
(7:57:56 PM) 632771149: and decompressing is easy
(7:58:03 PM) 632771149: we agreed on refund if plugins do not work
(7:58:06 PM) 632771149: please honour this
(7:58:13 PM) 632771149: or i will simply post logs to c.biz
(7:58:24 PM) 107718: man, u dont need to explain me nothing
(7:58:29 PM) 632771149: $15 to keep your dignity
(7:58:36 PM) 107718: post
(7:58:40 PM) 632771149: np
(7:58:41 PM) 107718: im waiting
(7:58:44 PM) 632771149: $15 is nothing to me
(7:58:51 PM) 107718: for me less
(7:59:26 PM) 632771149: as you wish
(7:59:30 PM) 107718: where is proof of not working?
(7:59:48 PM) 632771149: how would you like me to prove this?
(7:59:51 PM) 632771149: i want it working
(7:59:51 PM) 107718: when u demostrate, then contact again
(7:59:57 PM) 632771149: i would be very happy if it was
(8:01:13 PM) 107718: btw u gave me 89kb build
(8:01:15 PM) 632771149: yes
(8:01:18 PM) 632771149: a lite build
(8:01:18 PM) 107718: what modules there?
(8:01:25 PM) 107718: nothing
(8:01:26 PM) 632771149: the modules are loaded dynamically from config
(8:01:33 PM) 632771149: LOL
(8:01:38 PM) 632771149: you know nothing about spyeye!"
(8:01:44 PM) 632771149: you have the option
(8:01:52 PM) 107718: stupid, dll are inside build
(8:01:55 PM) 632771149: LOL
(8:01:57 PM) 632771149: mf
(8:01:57 PM) 107718: bye
(8:02:04 PM) 632771149: you reveal your own ignorace ;)
(8:02:11 PM) 632771149: i am afraid i will have to post
(8:02:22 PM) 107718: post
(8:02:45 PM) 107718: i just see your posts full of shit: saying you are authorized by gribo to sell
(8:02:50 PM) 107718: lol
(8:02:51 PM) 632771149: ahahah
(8:02:55 PM) 632771149: actually i am
(8:03:00 PM) 632771149: but that was a friend of mine
(8:03:04 PM) 632771149: i am there as technical support
(8:03:08 PM) 107718: surely
(8:03:15 PM) 632771149: mf
(8:03:16 PM) 107718: bye bye
(8:03:23 PM) 632771149: you do not understand how the lite config system works
(8:03:31 PM) 632771149: possibly the cleverest part of SpyEye :)
(8:03:41 PM) 632771149: you thought UPX was gribos packer
(8:03:44 PM) 632771149: you are a joke
(8:03:49 PM) 632771149: and you rip for $15 lr
(8:03:52 PM) 632771149: pathetic :p

There as MANY factual errors. I was hoping this man was good at what he does, alas, he is not.

Buyer beware. Ripper.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 08:13 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 08:12 PM ----------

I would love a response if you have one.

Those familier with SpyEye will know that you have the option to create lite bins and have the pluigins loaded from config. I have always found this to be an impressive feature.

I am amazed at how little you know robinhood, what is more you are rude and dishonest.


Reaction score
This man is a joke and a ripper, he clearly does not understand SpyEye. What is more he was INCREADIBLY rude.

We agreed he would crypt for $15 on the condition that it did not break plugins. He agreed to refund if it did.

His crypted bin was 500kb! The build I gave him was a packed lite bin, 89kb. He assured me this was ok.

Plugins of course did not work and he refused refund. In doing so he shows he knows NOTHING of the SpyEye arch.

There as MANY factual errors. I was hoping this man was good at what he does, alas, he is not.

Buyer beware. Ripper.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 08:13 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 08:12 PM ----------

I would love a response if you have one.

Those familier with SpyEye will know that you have the option to create lite bins and have the pluigins loaded from config. I have always found this to be an impressive feature.

I am amazed at how little you know robinhood, what is more you are rude and dishonest.

why u want use his service when u are THE ONLY ONE OFFICIAL RESSELLER OF GRIBODEMON ?:rolleyes:

2 dumb ass in action . LOL

ppl stay away before lost ur cash after the ripping wave . Gribodemon ( Harderman ) are the only one WHO SELL SPYEYES .


Reaction score
My friend made that post on my account, i provided tech support and server hosting. I've actually yet to sell a copy, i am busy with other things.

Honestly, the people who approached me for the service I told to speak to the other contact.

I needed traffic, Robin hood claims to provide this (the price is far too high and he will not do less than an $250 sample amount).

He offered a crypt service, I ALWAYS have troubel crypting an getting the plugins to work, so I bought it on the condition that he would refund it they did not.

His pathetic crypter turned an 89kb exe into a 500kg monster, and they plugins did not work. I asked for the agreed refund and he refused.


Also he is a rude little cunt.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 09:06 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 09:03 PM ----------

why u want use his service when u are THE ONLY ONE OFFICIAL RESSELLER OF GRIBODEMON ?:rolleyes:

2 dumb ass in action . LOL

ppl stay away before lost ur cash after the ripping wave . Gribodemon ( Harderman ) are the only one WHO SELL SPYEYES .

I know somebody who posted in this very thread who, if they had the balls (badc you're so wet) would confirm that (for now) gribo is not selling SpyEye.

monstr is not selling Zeus either.

Who knows, perhaps Gribo will return soon. In the meantime, you are all dickheads and robinhood is clearly a dickhead who knows little about SpyEye
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Reaction score
Fucking shit, this thread is not a discussion get away.

You GZero are a DEER 100%. You should start reading rules before post nothing on wrong section.
Crypt is working (tested by me and you), you gave me a LITE build (no webinjects, no modules & screenshots) this shows how dumbass you are. I laught at your posts when you even dont know how to crypt a fucking file... (check your fucking spyeye, i left a gift on it and your spy license revoked soon)) I wont need to talk more to you, i'll refund your noob $ and start learning smth about computing.
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Reaction score
You're a fucking idiot.

Possibly the best feature of SpyEye is its ability yo have a lite build and a heavy config.

You're a strange man robinhood, moreover you're wrong.


    Points: -1
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btw i bought 1k USA installs from robinhood and i got them all. gzero gtfo your the only ripper here selling fake services.


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i have purchased from rob1nh00d and all good but he is not online all the time im waiting him for 2 days already.Robin pls go on icq.


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Beware! this faggot is ripper, also known as n3m or nem on other forums.
Do your research on the nickname, ask other people, and they will tell you enough about this cock sucking bastard.

It has been made public already.

on how to Setup SpyEYE [with pictures]

SpyEYE Builder v1.2.60 with v1.2 PANEL + Collector

Just for your information, Zeus or Spyeye is no longer updated and can be called a dead bot. Don't waste your money purchasing BIN of these 2 bots, and they are already public.

Coder of Zeus, Monstr has left the scene, transferring the source code of Zeus to Spyeye coder gribodemon, who is now working on joining these 2 bots source code and introduce a new botnet. Hence, these 2 botnets are now left, and will not be updated in the future.

Legit users of Zeus will get 30%off on the new botnet thats going to be released soon and Spyeye users will have to pay $4000 to purchase the new botnet.

Don't waste your money! Purchase Adrenaline botnet's bin, which has far more features than SpyEye, less famous, and undetectable.

Fuck you r0b1nh00d aka n3m aka nem the RIPPER!!!
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Reaction score
deer go away from my thread, i only sell private version with working modules and backconnect.

And the one who need to make research is only you, i don't care if nem is ripper or not but i don't allow you to call me so without any proof -fucking faggot who sells adrenaline