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  • This is not fair and it is not good business at all becouse you sent me bad base i tried all they were bad 2times for the australia, i bought from ventilator out of 3-5 were good so i knw it is not region! then u said i should choose us, so i sent you binlist of what i want and instead you sent me all of your bins that were about to expire!
    if you wanted to conduct the busines fairly you would of given me what i asked for then i will have no complaint at all!
    all i wish for is fair business, i do not like coming back with bad feedback if it was just 1or 2 dumps i will 4get it.
    please rectify this becouse it is not my fault at all, and you know what you sent me for last replace, that was total and utter rubbish all exp:02/11! and i do not even use such bin!
    i know ts not your fault aus base was bad but somthimes these tings happen! please just treat me fair this is all im asking! give 1 last replace if you will not give refund but give me my selected bin!
    In your case they will not be a refund.We have supplied u 3 times with cards for one single payment you made.That`s it.Read Rule No.10 in our Service Thread.
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