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  • It was 2 comments, u dumb asshole! And you lied twice on my thread u dumb hungry LIAR....and yes I will keep giving minus till it reaches minus 50
    Next time a dumb foolish LIAR LIKE U WILL KNOW WHEN NOT TO LIE
    ok gohead just for 1 comment in your post its not reason to do that, you not have life, go get some girlfriend and stop behaving like a child...
    Dumb liar, u want me to stop, then learn to say the truth and when u cry and report me, don't forget to add that u lied in my thread twice without dealing with me but told lies cos u cried for minus 1 for your stupidity
    So when u learn to say the truth, I will stop or will continue till you reach -50 :D
    I will only stop when you remove the lies you put on my thread about method not working you dumb LIAR AND RETARDED FOOL!
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