Hey! would like to congratulate that all is working out for ya bro I really envy u nobely (as we say in bulgarian

Dont want to waste precious time so to the point:
Im struggaling to find a reliable way, method to be financially indipendent and for the last 10 months ive inveted tin MSR to be able to recreate mag stripe omnikey for the EMV chip but all in all struggaling to find good seller for the dumps with tr1 tr2 IST PIN and all that. Now the knife is up in to the bone and I need to be able to earn as timely as it is possible due to pressing expansive health issues, war knocking on the front door etc. I will be extremely grateful and will loyally treat if u decide to make it ourpossibvle relations in order for u to teach me the way to get out of this situation. all my work based on your info will be repaid by 1/3 of all profits that I will eventaully get.
!0x in advance
urs truly testnonametest