hello ple someone help with cloning cards l work with EMV software and always when l generate IST files and make all like on video tutorial in my card peek always some mistake "GET PROCESSING OPTIONS failed,the script will continue to read the card"
Do you know where i can get ATRGOD because i have the rest but when i try to download atr god from the mega file this guy gave me it keeps saying 'there is a virus' and doesnt let me download it.
Канал «Люди PRO» показывает жизнь и работу людей, являющихся профессионалами в своей сфере. Неважно, кто ты: хакер, маркетолог, писатель, владелец небольшого кафе или нескольких заводов – если вы специалист в своем деле, мы идём к вам! Здесь нет случайных гостей, строгий отбор гарантирует...
About the channel
The People PRO channel shows the life and work of people who are professionals in their field. It doesn’t matter who you are: a hacker, a marketer, a writer, the owner of a small cafe or several factories - if you are an expert in your field, we are coming to you! There are no random guests here; strict selection guarantees the receipt of high-quality and interesting information.