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  • Hello Jollier!

    Do you have drop service, or other drop service that you can provide, it would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
    yo, idk if you would reply but you don't mind if I ask you how did you verify the cards validity when you purchased them ?
    Hey bro if u can get smtps or mailer inbox we can work together I have chase bank logs and another stuff
    My Telegram @hmedlihwek
    Drop your telegram mailer.... I have cpanel available
    talk to me here @lemzebbeb
    pls am new here
    do you have anyone around you that sell old Shopwithscrip attach with bank log plss DM
    am tried of been scammed with fake vendor
    Are you selling german logs ? we need sparkasse, deuschebank, volksbank logs including login token, username:password, phone number and address if possible..
    Here are some example data that we need:

    2,6k, PushTAN, Kartennummer: '5210018641', Ablaufdatum: '12.2020', IBAN: 'DE41 7315 0000 0330 21', BIC: 'BYLADEM1NUL', Bankname: '' / Logindaten: 'js217282', 'j2001' / Vorname: 'Hans', Nachname: '
    Schnepf', Geburtsort: 'Ulm', Geburtsdatum: '20.7.1961', Telefonnummer: '+491722232729', Straße und Hausnr: 'Allgäuer Straße 40', PLZ: '89231', Ort: 'Neu-Ulm', Bundesland: 'bayern' / IP: '91.91.25
    5.104' / User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-G988B) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.1240.110 Mobile Safari/537.36'

    Kartennummer: '8571165145
    Ablaufdatum: --
    IBAN: DE89 3704 0054 1132 0230 00-
    Logindaten: 'kl356511', 'k6007' /
    Vorname: 'Hans', Nachname: 'Schlafgut', Geburtsort: '14.2.1974', Telefonnummer: +491766545420
    USER: 6525667355150141
    PASS: ozay1
    Breslauer Str. 8, 58679 Hagen
    +49 (0) 176 81571651

    my tg:
    Hello Jollier,

    I can provide a UK bank drop for your needs. Cash delivered within 48 hours.

    Please pm me if interested. Percentage can be negotiated
    Hi Jollier,

    I'm new here to carding,and read some of your posts.They are very informative. Therefore I'd like to ask small favour:

    I'm trying to verify certain bank acts for some people,but I need their ssn/dob first. Do you know of someone here who might be selling tlo/westlaw acts for sale?
    OR provide me lookups?

    Please nudge me in the right direction.Really appreciate your help.

    Hi then we can work if You are ready arrange the CC specially european since my platforms from my virtual car to my credit card is mostly europe.I need mostly CVV not Fullz but non vbv lets start by one which outcome will project the way forward
    • Like
    Reactions: Jollier
    1. Replacement takes place immediately in automatic mode, checkers start checking cards immediately after purchase.
    2. Okay, let's start with 1 cc, I ask which guarantor (escrow) do you choose and when you send money to the guarantor, my interest, so that I can provide you with a card?
    I agree to any proven and reliable escrow (any admin) with a positive reputation.
    Hello are you there ? Can you teach me how to fund CashApp ?
    pls am new here
    do you have anyone around you that sell original old Shopwithscrip attach with bank log plss DM
    am tried of been scammed with fake vendor
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