Why did I choose carding?


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Why is carding an interesting and necessary experience?

Let's immediately get away from the basic stereotypes and all this bullshit from the category of "I want to beat the hundredth iPhones and live in the Maldives. Everyone wants to get rich, believe me."

The first reason is that it's a great way to save on things. Seriously, some guys fit in with us purely for their own sake, so as not to spend money on new good clothes, and to deliver small things to friends.

My opinion is that you should start small here. The goal is not to earn a hundred thousand million dollars in a month, but to start with, to provide yourself with new summer clothes, or a supply of sports equipment for the year ahead.

It's nice, after all, when you spend $ 100 on a summer set of clothes, even if it's a few T-shirts, a pair of windbreakers, Levi's jeans, good New Balance/Nike/Adidas cross-country shoes, and not $ 1000 on all this.

Another thing is that then you want more, and you start picking up more and more clothes, the apartment starts bursting with things, and then you either start selling them or giving them to different orphanages. Yes, then you can sell these things.

But the main motive is-why spend $ 1000, if you can spend $ 100, sitting at the computer?

Second reason - you will try working with a computer for yourself. Various programs, proxy settings, SSH tunnels, virtual machines, and anti-detectors. A different world for most people, that's for sure.

80% of the tadpoles who worked with us saw all this for the first time and encountered certain problems. But you know yourself, overcoming problems makes you stronger. It pumps the brain.

In this regard, the carding scheme is relatively simple - you set up a car, search for the online stores you need, buy cards, and rush into battle.

And then most people already understand whether they should continue to develop further on the darknet, or not.

If yes, then you move on to more complex and interesting things, if not, then you stay at this level, sometimes picking up new things for yourself.

In addition, the probability of sitting on a bottle after a piece of clothing is much less, in contrast to the same topics with cashouts, database sales, botnets and other similar topics.

Third reason - understanding whether you can overstep the bounds of morality. Don't steal, don't harm, and all that. Despite the fact that you do not violate the laws of the Russian Federation, do not steal from your own, you still catch other people on the other side of the world.

At this point, you know whether you are ready to cross the line, putting your interests above others, or not yet.
There are also such curious cases. It was in April.

There is a moment at the beginning of our training when we "jokingly" say that like if you didn't know that this activity is illegal funds, we will make you a moneyback. And so, one of the students at the very beginning of training asks for a refund, because "it's not his, my head is spinning." I suggested at least just listening to the rest of the course, trying to do something, and playing around.

And something yesterday we wrote off, I asked about the success, and here is the result. Not all of this is due to us. The guy read about something himself, saw something somewhere. I don't want to take credit for this, because there is no way without self-development here, and the dude is a real good fellow and a smart girl.

The point is different-the dude stepped over himself and went up to the next step. The guy did it. You never know how much, whether it's good or bad - judge for yourself.

The fourth reason - yes, you can earn money here. I won't tell you much about this.

If we talk about starting in clothing carding - you drive things in, sell them in the Russian Federation. Something can be driven into the skup. Living wage, ala $ 1000 you can earn. Do people resell things?

It's the same here. Things cost you 5 thousand, you sold for 40. Buy-sell, ever-working, ever-living theme. You'll get stuck with the settings, get confused, and drive in. And there you can already see the money.

If you want to consult me, write to me. Perhaps my advice will help you.

(c) Carding

First, let's look at why people steal and try to earn more for themselves.
If someone did not finish it, then this is a human being. Survives-the strongest, but in our time-the richest.
A person always feels that everything is not enough for him. Once upon a time, the people who are now sitting in the white House were ordinary guys and they hardly guessed that in the future they would have everyone and everything. Amounts that seem simply unattainable for an ordinary person, while for them this is an ordinary salary and it is never white.

Everyone says that the fools steal, and the common people beg, but not everyone understands that if they were in their place, they could steal even more.
Everything will never be enough for a person, and this is a fact. It is this feeling that made Steve Jobs create one of the most famous companies in the world (as an example), and it is this feeling that makes people in power steal more and more every day.

Just someone does it in white, and someone in black. And it's not up to you to judge them. Go ahead and mind your own business and don't complain about anyone. Your life is your choice.

You are a person who wants to feed your family, and you think that the main thing in life is harmony, family, and health. But this is not the case. All money is the reason for human pride, respect for you, a quiet life for you and your children - all this is money.

Here. You're angry, I can see that . My advice to you is never fall! If you fall, all the doors will close in your face. Everyone you consider close, relatives, even on the phone will not answer. You'll end up at the bottom.

I know, because I've come across this, and I made a decision for myself when I was at the bottom. And I wouldn't wish that on anyone. This world is an unfair, dishonorable, vile place. And I will take my revenge on this life. And you have the same right to a decent life as I do. Just go forward and don't look back.